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  1. Even better! In case I needed to share my script, it wouldn't adapt well the way I current have it; using absolute path. Using System.getProperty would definitely work a lot better. Thanks for sharing
  2. Thanks for the super quick reply guys. I changed my path from C:\Users\John\Desktop\Area to C:\Users\John\OSBot\Data\Area it's working fine.
  3. I'm getting this error when attempting to create a text file: [ERROR][05/02 09:37:33 AM]: Uncaught exception! java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "C:\Users\John\Desktop\Area\Area661830290.txt" "write") My script was working fine yesterday. The only things that have changed was updating from... jdk1.8.0_65 to jre1.8.0_91 and OSBot 2.4.53 to OSBot 2.4.58 now my script create a text file in a directory that it has many times before. does anyone know how I can fix this?
  4. Thanks Frost! I did try using prepare before starting the script but i still received an error message. The API doesn't exactly say what prepare(Script script) does, but id assume it's necessary to call before attempting to start a script. Sounds like that makes sense, although that would be unfortunate for me if that's really the case. I didn't know that the ScriptExecutor was limited to only handle 1 script per bot. I think that control of the ScriptExectuor is key to getting this idea of mine to work. The only problem is I don't understand how it works or what is the process/conditions it uses to run a script. It wasn't labeled "For internal use only" so I'm assuming it has some practical use. I've tried prepare(Script script) before start(Script script), but i kept getting an error. Does anyone know if it is possible create a new ScriptExecutor(Bot bot) in a seperate thread, use prepare(Script script) to set up a new script, then switch the currently running ScriptExectutor (this.bot.getScriptExecutor() in main) then switching it with the new ScriptExecutor? Thanks for the explanation Loud! I'll definitely be giving this a try.
  5. I fail to see how Lemon API relates to enabling OSBot to run multiple scripts. Can you elaborate?
  6. Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely look into Lem0n. Though id still like to know if the scriptExecutor will allow me to pick and choose which script to run.
  7. I'm trying to run a script using the scriptExecutor but i'm not sure if i'm using the API correctly. I'm trying to go from this: Bot -> MainScriptExecutor -> MainScript to this: Bot -> MainScriptExecutor -> MainScript -> SecondaryScriptExecutor -> SecondaryScript is this achievable through the API?
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