Thanks Frost! I did try using prepare before starting the script but i still received an error message. The API doesn't exactly say what prepare(Script script) does, but id assume it's necessary to call before attempting to start a script.
Sounds like that makes sense, although that would be unfortunate for me if that's really the case. I didn't know that the ScriptExecutor was limited to only handle 1 script per bot.
I think that control of the ScriptExectuor is key to getting this idea of mine to work. The only problem is I don't understand how it works or what is the process/conditions it uses to run a script. It wasn't labeled "For internal use only" so I'm assuming it has some practical use.
I've tried prepare(Script script) before start(Script script), but i kept getting an error.
Does anyone know if it is possible create a new ScriptExecutor(Bot bot) in a seperate thread, use prepare(Script script) to set up a new script, then switch the currently running ScriptExectutor ( in main) then switching it with the new ScriptExecutor?
Thanks for the explanation Loud! I'll definitely be giving this a try.