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  1. Did you used mirror mode?
  2. Am i only one experiencing this? It happens sometimes with obstacles in abyss as well. After teleportation if obstacle is slightly visible in corner, script wont interact and just stall. isVisible is working.
  3. This is the part of the code: if ((rift != null)&&(rift.isVisible())){ rift.interact("Exit-through");} This is the location, camera angle: The problem: Rift returns as visible, but doesn't interact. Occurs at exactly these conditions. Easy to reproduce, by walking away from nature rift, then stopping at spot. For some reason if you walk towards the nature rift and you stop there, then it will interact.
  4. Add a white list, so i can run this in the spot where i bot with other acc, no more competition lol
  5. So i have this: public void toSpot() throws InterruptedException { for (Entity firo : getObjects().filter(obj -> obj.getId() == 26185 && FireArea.contains(obj))) { log(firo.getPosition()); log(FireArea.getPositions()); if (!line1.getPositions().contains(firo.getPosition())){ WalkingEvent event = new WalkingEvent(new Area (3252,3430,3249,3430).getRandomPosition()); event.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); event.setMiniMapDistanceThreshold(0); execute(event);} } Bot should not execute walking if firo position maches one of positions from area line1. Yet it ignores it and walks. Whats wrong here? Any simple solution for this? line1 area is inside FireArea, log shows that positions should match and prevent it from doing it. Edit: Noticed log(firo.getPosition()); doesnt throw all positions.
  6. Nora


    I wonder, if i put this without any "if" conditions, will bot press arrow up button regardless of camera position? camera.toTop();
  7. Nora


    I love you (no homo)
  8. Any offers are welcome
  9. Starting Bid: 50m Auto/Win: 150m 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 7. The methods of payment you are accepting verified paypal or btc, 07gp 8. Your trading conditions MM unless youre trusted enough 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Original owner is me. Email will be transfered.
  10. They was boosted with overload, so i masked them to make it easier to see the real stats.
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