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  1. I spent only 2 hours this week botting fire runes (Yesterday) and I got banned today. I did all the F2P quests and had a bond ready to use blah blah... there goes +16M for nothing (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  2. Yea same, I just have to sacrifice life to make them
  3. You just find an empty day and hammer out the whole weeks worth of anime, or wait until it ends and rek it in an empty day.
  4. Nature Rune prices have been going down, I expect them to go back up over the next week or so with a ban wave. Mainly because the lobbying(haha) happened 2 weeks ago and they have shifted their eyes elsewhere.
  5. Good for you, hurry up so you can watch Fairy Tail Zero ❤
  6. Aye Looks good, shout out to my fav rory loli.
  7. Now loading huge page.... Almost all the current anime has had their first episode released. So what are you guys watching, and are excited for this season? I really liked these, and cant wait for the next episode! Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2 Luck & Logic Dimension W Schwarzesmarken Musaigen no Phantom World
  8. It's ok you have already been banned after reporting JyzzBrah
  9. I just bought 3M to get myself as a boost, because I just started playing RS OS again and have nothing. It took about 10 Minutes after payment to receive the 3M from party pete.
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