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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. I mean it comes with aim hack as well, bunny hopping too. but i only use walls. Didn't know there were a bunch of good free ones. just assumed they would be sketchy


    There's tons of free ones that work great for the obvious hacking.

    Subtle hacks is another story, but aim hacks and bunny hopping isn't subtle

  2. is it too late to start now?


    Like im gunna be low lvl so i guess everyone will just kill me?


    Barely 3 days in and it's 3 month, you ain't too late.

    Also taking into account that the top players probably play 5x more hours than a regular player

  3. I was cutting willow in draynor and a lvl 73, full mith, dragon dagger with more keys i can count comes slaughtering all the high levels that were cutting here.^Forgot screenshot

    I'm new to DMM, CB 15, 50 WC/fletch


    What's some good strategies to survive on here, for now my bronze med helm seems to keep people away ^^

    How do people make money?

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