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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. 1hdUr2n.png
    ► Fishes lobsters in Karamja or Catherby
    ► Utilizes Port Sarim deposit box when fishing at Karamja
    ► Multiple anti-ban modes for suiciding or training
    ► Simple paint with advanced tracking information
    Current Version: 1.0 Beta
    Click here to download





    ► Put the downloaded JAR in your OSbot scripts folder. (c:\users\your_user\osbot\scripts\)

    ► Have a lobster pot and coins for the boat in your inventory

    ► Start the bot



    Please report any bugs, feedback or/and suggestions to help optimizing the script.





    • Like 7
  2. This script the way I see it is an allround script. It won't exceed other scripts within each skill when it comes to features, but it supports enough skill features for a bot farmer to raise his basic starting characters. After that those players will want more specific features they can find in other scripts. This script is in fact what this community needs and wants in my opinion, or at least what bot farmers need, provided it will function to the extend of what is promised.


    I also see it as a good motivation for other scripters to innovate on their scripts, add new features etc. OSBot has always tried to maintain a very open and free approach to the SDN for all scripters with as little intervenience as possible, which I think you should be thankful for. I feel as if your comment earlier was out of protecting your own business on OSBot, which you have all the rights to do so, but a free market also means that innovation will determine who are the winners and the losers.


    In regards to fairness we have decided on rules in which the scripters group was always involved to a certain extend. In this case depending on the amount of features this script has we will suggest/enforce a price that is fair compared to the current state of the market.


    Instead of having another fletcher, cooker or something similar of which we already have thousands, I for one welcome new initiatives that challenge the scripters community to push the boundaries and improve overall quality on the SDN.


    I'm not protecting my business cuz I have none, I'm protecting this idea as I've been working on it for months already ^^

    And with a less feedback than this one gets in minutes ;_;

    And I mean to remember a similar script has been removed from the SDN before because it made standalone scripts useless

  3. Of course I have your script in there, what kind of person would I be if I didn't happy.png

    nope still nothing, how about that, I can make a basic script that runs but I can't add a logo laugh.png


    Hmmm the code is right though.

    Make sure you have no other jar's added with the same script manifest title.

    If you've exported jars with the same title but different jar names only 1 will be shown.

    So i'd recommend to be sure, remove all your local jars and export yours again

  4. still the same, all im getting atm is this, I feel I'm probably doing something stupid o.O

    It's because you have none of my scripts added doge.png

    You actually do, so that can't be it :D



    I doubt it's the issue but maybe try to put it in this order

    @ScriptManifest(author = "RandQm", info = "Qhost AI", logo = "https://i.imgur.com/WzuyltF.png"
    , name = "Qhost AI 5.00", version = 5.00)
  5. hi new to scripting, I've been following loads of tuts ect and made a fisher that banks trout and salmon, but I was wondering how I would go about adding a logo to my script? 


    @ScriptManifest(author = "iShorty8", info = "simple F2P fishing bot", name = "iFisher", version = 1.0, logo = "http://s22.postimg.org/f48fq388t/i_Fisher_logo_finished.png")


    after that I tried a similar method which I used to get my paint image,


    Image logo = getImage ("http://s22.postimg.org/f48fq388t/i_Fisher_logo_finished.png");


    the logo doesn't show up though, any help would be greatly appreciated!

    The code you posted should be working, try imgur
  6. Sure, and why not add an outer glow, pattern, drop shadow and a gradient overlay while we're at it.

    Pls no... Don't ruin the flat design style.


    @OP, seems like you stretched the font quite a bit. I suggest using vectors in Illustrator or Photoshop when creating flat logos, this will also keep the quality intact when you want to scale stuff and avoid a lot of sloppy edges.


    It's not a font, it's shapes and freehanded :)

  7. You could use color overlay in blending options if you use photoshop, then there wouldn't be coloring problems tongue.png


    That's exactly what I used actually but the letters are not done with a font but by hand and shapes, and my 'S' was a little bit off on the edges making it like this after shades and coloring. I'll fix it up ^soon ^^

    • Like 1
  8. Ah a chat is basically the best thing to do when learning networking.

    Which I'm assuming you are with that project.

    It's a simple concept and not completely useless, motivating enough to go through it.


    Webcam is going to be a different story though than a simple chat :p Good luck with that

  9. Ive had multiple people having troubles with running a jar in windows 10.


    > Choose "open with"

    > Do NOT pick the java one you see but scroll down and choose "browse"

    > Navigate to your java libraries (c:\program files\java\jdk_1.x.x\bin\

    > Choose Java

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