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    Programming, Vinyl, Books

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  1. bump, highest offer currently 60m
  2. 1. 1 ranged, 1 pray, 1 magic, Other skills are < 30 2. 3. No wealth on the account, just some trash 4. The plague quests, zogre series, animal magnitism, 8/10 RFD, all free quests Nothing else important 5. Starting price: 40m 6. Autowin price: 100m 7. Payment types: 07GP & BTC 8. Trading conditions: You go first 9. 10. Im the original owner and there is no email registered
  3. Don't have a google account shit, was hoping to find that nice porn vid back
  4. It was a solution to the webwalker not handling obstacles yet, but since a while the webwalker handles pretty much everything (even boat trips) so there's no real reason to still use that snippet
  5. The dialogues in tutorial island seem to be different from the normal game, you'll also find some info dialogues that wont be working with the default clickcontinue method. You'll have to grab the widget and click it with mouse eg: getWidgets().containingText("Click here to continue");
  6. What's the point in 2 IE's, the passive doesn't stack... lmao Also he bought the tears when we were hammering their base obviously lmao
  7. Ez game, we were better but stalled it a little bit
  8. PC pl0x Atk: 99 Str: 99 Def: 97 Ranged: 99 Magic: 94 Prayer: 99
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