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    Texas A&M University

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  1. Sorry for having to post here but I guess since I'm not a recognized scripter I can't post it in the client suggestion area. 1. A description of the suggestion Mirror Client (x64 to 32)v.69.69.69 Fps: 50 Reactions: 1000 ms. Press Shift + F2, F3 or F4 to setup Proxy settings are not supported yet. This text from what I can tell is permanently stuck on every screen for mirror mode. PLEASE make an option to remove this text. I make lots of scripts that are somewhat of helpers rather than bots, and this text is so gigantic on the screen when playing. 2. How will this suggestion impact scripters and/or botters? It will make me so happy I might start making scripts for the SDN?
  2. its been almost 3 and no one is responding to anything
  3. Yesterday I cancelled my subscription on the osbot site, as I was not aware that you are supposed to do it with paypal to avoid losing vip access. So today I renewed it for another month to get access back, but after successful payment I am still left with no VIP access. Pls help
  4. in onStart... experienceTracker.start(Skill.STRENGTH); in onPaint... long xpGainedPerHour = experienceTracker.getGainedXPPerHour(Skill.STRENGTH); g.drawString("" + xpGainedPerHour, 5, 250);
  5. After many days and weeks of successful script, the experienceTrackers will randomly stop working and stay at zero. experienceTracker.getGainedXPPerHour(Skill.STRENGTH) will continue to return 0 for no reason, so it's not a problem with it displaying on the screen. All the other skill tracking functions stop working correctly as well. Persists even after restarting the client, and the jar is up to date. The actual value of the This has happened on mirror mode and injection. The only way it goes back to normal is to create an entirely new project and copy/paste the classes over, then it works fine. Anyone know why this keeps happening?
  6. I want to know if there is a way to let us interact with the actual Runescape client instead of having to click on the OSBot client's window?
  7. This just occurred out of nowhere and is now breaking every script I've made that uses webWalking. [ERROR][bot #1][02/07 01:05:56 AM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.osbot.rs07.api.webwalk.impl.CustomInteractingScript at org.osbot.rs07.api.webwalk.INodeRouteFinder.createDefaultScripts(n:224) at org.osbot.rs07.api.webwalk.INodeRouteFinder.createAdvanced(n:177) at org.osbot.rs07.api.webwalk.INodeRouteFinder.createAdvanced(n:112) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking.webWalk(zn:210) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking.webWalk(zn:88) at myKnightStealer.main.onLoop(main.java:192) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ff:33) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) onLoop(main.java:192) is the line .. [walking.webwalk(byBank);] byBank being an area
  8. Tillerson


    not having trouble dealing with it, ass. I'm pointing out that their control panel must have a bug.
  9. why wouldn't you just add them all
  10. Tillerson


    Just an FYI it would be appreciated if it showed OFFLINE during times like when you know.....when its offline.
  11. Anyone able to help with this? Currently I still have no ability to use a proxy with the client at all.
  12. Howdy, Before the .36 update, when attempting to use a proxy, the logger would show whether the proxy connection was successful or failed after you inject. Now, the logger is not showing anything about the proxy. Today I used my proxy just like normal, and i was logged out due to multiple IP logins, i.e. the proxy connection failed for some reason, and osBot did not show anything. I have checked and my proxy is working fine, and i have tried all debug options to show everything in the logger. Now that account is compromised and can't be used. Can anyone replicate/explain this problem?
  13. Hey big issue, at the coal mine LVL 9 wild it is not recognizing the type of rocks at all. The client loads with the paint and the rocks have the yellow squares around them but it's not showing the type of ore above them. It's allowing me to select them in green but it never starts mining.
  14. Ya because I was thinking for the edge dungeon if you want to use a brass key and bank at the GE or west V bank instead of the long walk to edge
  15. I like the on screen option that's very nice, would it be possible to make a "pause mining" feature that lets you retaliate against npcs? Also, what exactly does the dialogue support entail? Oh also possibly a "do not drop" list that lets you choose things in your inv that you don't want to drop?
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