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  1. PC is known to be loaded with bots a lot of time so it's your decision if you want take risk for getting that awesome void set. And also if you previously used to bot other skills with other scripts you might got banned for use of any of them. You can get banned even after a couple of moths after you were botting.
  2. simply awesome script . knly downside is that I can't MANUALLY CHOOSE WHAT ITEMS TO COLLECT. KILLING ZOMBIES AND FLESH CRAWLERS AND CAN'T PICK THOSE STEEL ARROWS... sorry for caps I'm on phone
  3. same issue here. gets stuck at first stronghold gates. doesnt even start to fight monsters if starting script with full inventory.
  4. Second script I bought on osbot and second time im very satisfied Would it be possible to add multiple items to alch? this would be so cool
  5. Ankous working flawless again I want to ask if it would be possible to add amulet of glory as an option for banking instead then tele tab or runes? This would make the script even more better
  6. Can I get a trial of this? Can I get a trial of this?
  7. Bought the script without even taking trial and I can say it is working wonderful Just a few problems. 1) world hopping - it does not seem to work, my acc never try to world hop even if there is 1 player or 5. 2) I want to use second room of red spiders (to the right from first room) Im choosing the top side in GUI but the bot still goes down and fights Catablepon ( which makes xp/h lower and consumes all my pots because he's lowering my stats. 3) when fighting ankous the bot pretty much wont pick anyhing if he gets attacked by npc. Other then that, the script is flawless
  8. oh, ty. I thought it will automatically appear
  9. Bought the script like 1 hour ago... Still does not appear
  10. Hello all. Havent played RS for a long time and want to start playing but i do not intend to level all the skills by hand... What I want to know is if botting combat pretty safe and does free scripts have huge difference in ban possibility as i dont want to purchase bot from the start. Want to some testing first Also, i want to know what to bot early to make some cash. At least like 50-100k/h. Thank you for your replays and sorry for my bad english
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