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Everything posted by Rick_Sanchez

  1. lol'd. bud I already sold an account to Maldesto w/o 100 post count someone give me 1m 07 and its yours lmao
  2. i am not trying to circumvent the 100 post rule to sell accounts I swear if anyone is interested tho......hit me with some offers lol, has no registered email.
  3. Wish I had $3 to buy this at the moment...The free splasher is broken. Script looks really nice I hope to buy soon
  4. @@Maldesto pm me back or my cat gets the noose dont b the death of sprinkles:(
  5. never over trust a fart @@Maldesto HATE THINE ENEMY BUT REMEMBER THEIR NAME! also PM me back you fart ass
  6. I believe @Maldesto has given me amnesty of that he wants it and he gets it if this other guy doesnt come thru I just want it gone lol
  7. I think later when I have gp to buy, I think the best choice is to find someone with an account that may already have many stats above 50 and pay them to level their stuff accordingly.
  8. reasonable. is that based off someone starting from scratch possibly? I feel like it'd be more than 20m (unfortunately.) haha
  9. Probably would obviously have to be a custom build from scratch, but how much would an account with at least 50 everything and quests and bank is not apart of it...how much 07 gp would that be you guys think?
  10. ive done some levels and I am gonna pm you for a nother quote
  11. F2P as well as you can train on gulls or goblins too. How much would a trusted user charge for 20-40 attack with 1 str 1 def. Paying in RSGP 07.
  12. dunno if Im super late or nah lmao feel free to delete/lock thread just an FYI u r welcum
  13. Thanks for the clarification. I've often wondered if putting low-cpu mode on does in fact decrease rates/hr. It must be real time then not just post-rendered low fps.
  14. I think your problem may lie with it being a macbook air.... laptop's cpus are throttled and will never generally push out the power they were truly designed for. Just turn on low-cpu mode and you're be golden. Pretty sure the fps lag doesn't affect how the script works, I could be entirely wrong though...Ive never had a low fps/lag problem.
  15. just check her coordinates bruh
  16. He said it was "irl issues" and I totally understand but as time goes on I think he was full of B.S. Also take another look at my previous post, he bought 15m 07gp AFTER saying he can't pay me back yet.
  17. he did maybe 2 defence levels, maybe 30 minutes of work over the course of a few days.....so basically he didn't do jack shit for what he said. also I'd like to add he apparently bought 15m 07gp, plenty to pay back my 3m 07gp he's owed me since like July 3rd.
  18. Disputed member:420blaze http://osbot.org/for...03007-420blaze/ Thread Link: none, i contacted him for a service. Explanation: Said he would powerlevel 1-60 defence for 2 accounts, transaction went fine but after he procastinates for like 3 days, he finally says he can't complete the service, he refunds the accounts all good to go, but has owed me 3m 07gp for like a week and half now after he used my own gp to make the account membership solely for the purpose of training which he didn't he fulfill. Evidence: Sad. please ban this kid ASAP.
  19. What? You just said it's a worthless account and it's only use would be to "brag about the weirdly low combat stats", when I rebuttal with it has potential being it's low combat level with 4 near 60's stats and no quests, meaning it's limited but not way limited. Also 50 strength is hugely different from 1 strength...affects the time greatly. you dont even know what you're on about lol, thanks for the price check and opinion though fam no need to argue any further past this.
  20. Account has no quests, can be turned into a lot of things. being only 55 combat with only 3 majorly trained stats it has major potential. 5m is alright, but this isn't some account that took 3 days to make, 5m is $5...this account is worth more than $5.
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