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Everything posted by powerfox92

  1. Jugs of wine are very cheap and heal 11, and they're f2p.
  2. Hey czar, the script is still not working for me. When i start it at the minotaurs with 27 jugs of wine in my invent it just runs to the bank and start taking 27 out and banking them again, it seems stuck in that loop. I have my inventory set to 27x jug of wine.
  3. This is what it did for me yesterday aswell.
  4. I think its better to spread it out, i noticed when i babysat my main i wasn't reported once and used a very good script (Perfect Magic) i got banned on it for 2 days. I think the only reason that happened was because i was getting a shitload of exp (stun alching) for like 10 hours a day, which flagged my account. I'd say the only way to get banned is getting extreme amounts of exp a day/botting extreme amount of hours a day or just getting busted manually by a mod.
  5. Suggestion: Make the script turn the camera towards a new experiment when the current one is at ~10% health for example. Makes it look less bot like and it will increase xp rates a little bit.
  6. 23 APIs loaded Script is up to date! v0.03 -- loading rs map -- Added al-kharid gate (payment) loaded 9494 waypoints in 295ms. Added 139 global compass waypoints Loaded checkbox values [2] TraverseCombat loaded BankTask loaded EatTask loaded start = 10.0 result = 5.0 Next eat hitpoints: [5] // Perfect Stronghold 0.03 Checkbox [0] modified, identified as [safespot] Checkbox [1] modified, identified as [Drop junk] Checkbox [3] modified, identified as [Loot arrows] Checkbox [1] modified, identified as [Drop junk] Iron arrow Bronze arrow safespot set to: true dropjunk: false burying: false looting arrow: true deathwalk: false special: false Set checkbox values = 18 == Refreshed list == Burying bones: [false] ---------- ready ---------- Chosen ammo [bronze arrow]x[0] Script currently isnt working when doing minotaurs right next to the entrance when safespotting is enabled. Whenever i disable safespotting the script will work.
  7. Hi Czar, I own 2 of your scripts, can i please have the perfect stronghold script for free please. Proof: http://imgur.com/n5rkmAa
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