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Scripter II
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minewarriors last won the day on October 21 2021

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About minewarriors

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  1. Hello @dutchmaster309, Did you bot anything else on the account? or did you buy the account and was it botted on? If you could give me some extra information, then we could potentially figure out what the issue was or how we can improve the script. I doubt that 45 mins of botting with the script caused it in my honest opinion. That does not help you obviously. Hence why I ask for more information. Kind regards, MW
  2. ofcourse! If you have got any issues, please DM me on Discord ! I would love to help out or improve the script.. Trial granted 48 hours. Kind regards , MW
  3. Yes! I trains all the way up to 99 without any issues. Only thing it does not do at this moment is mining / smithing runite. It was too risky for my personal opinion to risk the status of HCIM's.
  4. Looks neat man! Good luck! Not sure about the premium vs free indeed. BUT, if you are willing to make this free, I can not wait to see what you would make for a premium one.
  5. I mean, if you bot there is always a chance of getting banned. Always bot with the intention of knowning "I will be banned". Making the questions a little redundant. But to fully answer it, I have no idea You would have to test it ^_^
  6. I'll see if I can whip something quick up, give me a week.
  7. Hey man! Really strange that the images do not load for you. It will train mining and smithing unsupervised for you. Mining ores, smelting bars, creating armor, getting money, upgrading gear etc etc.
  8. Hey man! I just came back from holiday and will follow up with you on Discord!
  9. If you are encountering any issues, please contact me through Discord
  10. Hey man! Awesome that you are seeking contact! Could you send me a message on discord? Let's sort this out together.
  11. Like discussed over discord, seems to have solved itself out right?
  12. Hey man! Like mentioned on Discord, I have made a commit that should fix everything. When your paint says version 1.13, everything should work again
  13. Authed for 32 hours. If you have got any question, send me a Discord DM and figure out together how we can help you out!
  14. Hey @wended, Like discribed in the thread, I do not do trials for this script. Kind regards, MW
  15. Hey @timonium513, Thank you a lot for your reply! Unfortunate that you do not have any idea info, but I have definitely investigated this. For now I can not seem to reproduce it, which is really annoying. Meaning it is probably a really select use case in which it happens? If something like this would ever happen again, could you contact me through Discord? Thank you a lot for your time, consideration and help in your conversation. Kind regards, MW
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