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Everything posted by Jerrykid11

  1. ^^^quoted wrong text^^ can you help or just took the time to tell me im doing something wrong lol thnx sorry for being a d**k wow im a complete idiot i knew that was there i was looking on the OSbot options... how can i stop the camera swinging like mad?
  2. yeh i did any nowhere it says anything about a hidden npc attack option, nor can i find it anywhere on osbot, nor it says anything about guards will attack me and i may die. just asking for help sorry
  3. what hidden npc attack option?
  4. run this script for 10 mins come back and im getting attacked by guards almost dead, attempts to run to corner of guild but turns goes back before getting there.. nearly lost alot of coin. did i waste my $5 though?
  5. bait fishing not working for me.stands still. all else works
  6. hey so when i try and use curse on the monk of zamorak at varrock tower, the bot clicks on curse then doesnt do anything whilst the console rapidly spams SPELL IS @@@ SELECTED: true dont know whats up with it. ps Got your range and experiment script and love them I FOUND WHAT I WAS DOING WRONG, THANKS FOR TOP SCRIPT CZAR
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