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Everything posted by Southperk

  1. So what happens if he doesn't reply?
  2. Disputed Member: MerzA Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102651-buying-30m-for-36/ Explanation: He posted buying 30m and so I agreed to sell him 30m at 1.2/m (36$). After adding me on skype we both agreed to this and discussed meeting place. After the transfer was complete, he failed to pay me after I had reminded him twice and then logged off skype and osrs. After logging off skype I pm'd him on here and he has not replied. Evidence:
  3. Ill get back to you wiht the rewards
  4. CHallenge accepted! Although it will take me ages hahah
  5. Yeah at least now it gives me definite targets, which may take a while but I'll try do it either a money-making or a fun grind
  6. Here's hoping we get mad mills from this
  7. I have a lot of training to do, most of my skills are still lvl 1
  8. It was my 6th easy clue scroll on a relatively new main and I get a master clue. I don't even think I can complete this ._.
  9. As an Australian, It baffles me that after having overwhelming statistics for gun violence and mass shootings, a lot of Americans would kill to protect their gun rights and would even deem in "Un-American" to implement stricter gun laws. It also baffles in me in the cases where police kill people when it could have been so easily averted. I mean how can police officers be so trigger happy. Over here, one cop is being brought to court for even raising his gun during a car pull over. I hear several high profile people calling the whole BLM/WLM/CLM movement divisive and counter-intuitive which I agree with. I think there is a big problem with accountability and bringing these crook cops to fair justice.
  10. Nicely done! 124m is a good total for playing a realistic amount haha
  11. Congrats whats your current HP level if you don't mind me asking?
  12. Just out of curiosity what would the price of a 40/40/40 +nmz package cost as opposed to a 40/60/1 + nmz package?
  13. Always hoping for the upset, LETS GO WALES
  14. Finding your first job especially in the career path you want always sucks and takes ages, unless you're one of the lucky ones. But don't lose hope. Just keep trying. As tough as it gets, if you want it bad enough then someone will see you and hire you. Focus on your own game. If a company rejects you, take time to ask them for post-counselling advice on where to improve then work from there. The only time you are guaranteed to NOT get that job is when you stop trying. It does get stressful a lot of the time, so focus on things you enjoy. Make time for hobbies or small random goals you want to achieve. I know I was getting super stressed with university and finding a job myself so now that I've finished the semester I'm dedicating all my time to try and make a working gold farm since I enjoy rs. Try a sport maybe. Find like-minded and motivated friends to talk to about your goals and your stress. Talking about your problems is a good way of unloading and de-stressing. Everybody says that but a lot of people are too afraid to approach others about their problems, which is a pretty bad issue. Anyways, don't get yourself down because we're all in the same boat at the end of the day. Take pride in your struggles so that once you make it it will feel that much better. Keep your head up and just keep swimming, you'll get there one day. TL:DR; Don't worry too much about your job, if you keep trying you'll get there. In the mean time, when you're stressed do shit you like and interact with like-minded people to let go of your troubles
  15. Whats the tab worth now? I'm doing something similar but 1-40 slayer has only gotten me 100k
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