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Theodore Bagwell

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Posts posted by Theodore Bagwell

  1. careful, flax is a huge ban rate at the moment. Probably safe for the next few days as I've seen a ton of flax botters still picking.


    The easiest way to check whats safe is to check the item your botting on zybez marketplace. If no one is selling the item, the chances are that's where they're banning/monitoring currently.

    Doesn't really seem like a high banrate, doesn't it?


  2. "Stopped working" can be anything, how do you want us to fix this?
    1. Isn't it the cable you are using (a broken cable maybe?)
    2. Does it work with other cables on other devices?

    3. If not, there's probably something wrong inside. Only thing you can do is open it and try to find the problem. Otherwise go to the store and get a new one (or ebay, as you can buy them for like $3

  3. Are you using VNC viewer to connect to your vps? If yes, move your mouse to the top of the screen --> click options --> un-do "adapt to network speed" --> Move colors to where ever you want (less color = better connection = less screenshots)
    Hope it helped :)

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  4. Hey guys,

    Does anyone know how to use proxies on linux?
    I was recently using this method:
    Right click on the osbot client --> open with --> add --> use a custom command -->
    type in "java -DsockProxyHost=IP -DsockProxyPort=PORT -jar" with the ip adress + port

    Now i wanted to check if everything was setup using ande's IP checker:


    but it all seems to run on the same IP adress

    Do you guys have any suggestions on how to run bots using a proxy on linux?


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