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Theodore Bagwell

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Posts posted by Theodore Bagwell

  1. It was just updated on May 1st.


    I know you want the rank, but it may be a bit longer until it gets to that point. wink.png

    May 1st is a long time ago, and i feel like i joined this forum years ago :')

  2. So i'm using osbot 2.1.17, but after selecting a script it doesn't give me an option to select an account, but it just starts the script. It happens with all scripts, i got multiple accounts saved and i already restarted the client a few times.


    Is this a bug, or is there another way to select an account i'm not aware of? biggrin.png

    EDIT:I found out that sometimes it does pop up, sometimes it doesn't (like 97% of the times it doesn't)

  3. So i would like to have access to the lunar isle. On Wiki it says "It is accessible for member players who have gone far enough into the Lunar Diplomacy quest."

    Does anyone know how far this should be? What requirements do i need for that?


  4. had an main 99 str att def and hp, 85 slay 181 quest points, 40m+ wealth full bandos 96 mage 1500+ total, botted at abbysal demons to get some money in stead of making another account to get the moneyy #yolo




    i play rs3. yoloo


    Botted my entire bot farm on one IP (my actual IP) All accounts were stocked with more than enough items.


    Banned the following morning, included within the ban My level 114 Main.



    Awesome guys, great stories

  5. So you're saying it's possible to have 8 bots running at a time with 8 different ips, on same client? 

    Is there any guide on how to recieve and apply a proxy list on this forum?


    Btw thx for the nice answers already, clearin out everything i didn't know

    I got 3 accounts running on different IP's, i think it's the only way to keep botting atm.

    You can buy proxies at different shops. I always use BGC's proxies, they aren't flagged. You can buy them here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/40857-bgcs-new-proxy-shop-now-open/?hl=bgc

    Just fill in the proxy details at the osbot 1/osbot 2 loader and run it :)

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