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Everything posted by ninjabear

  1. ninjabear

    Fruity NMZ

    The bot just stops on the screen where you choose yes/no to agreeing to pay for the nightmare. No logs either. my setup: https://gyazo.com/984b7833354ba9cb28e7a4ff76544bae if i manually take over and click yes, it will click on potion and start nightmare and go fine from there. but i cant be expected to do that as nightmare ends and bot needs to re-enter its self
  2. I just noticed how the mouse speed is soooo fast. do you really think its wise to have it so fast when it comes to detection and ban rate? its so robot like to not even mis click once when mouse is going that fast. I really recommend better anti ban with random mouse patterns and locations and slower rate ;/ WOuld hate for my main to get banned,.
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