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    The Netherlands
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    My girl. My study (IT). Aggressive inline skating, Runescape.

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  1. Just tested it. conclusion ; worked pretty fine! --- When you get at the ''cook the fish part'', i was stuck between the NPC and the Fire, it kept clicking on the NPC. (mayb fix that it rights click & cook ) --- I went back from dinner and saw it was stuck @ the poll booth, started the script again and worked fine. Looking pretty good man ^_^ gratz
  2. If you downloaded a RAT, yes they can. ( I think you did ) Beware of you camera also, they can see you. if you have saved passwords on example Google chrome, they have it atm. (They can also see your desktop screen and etc.) So one big big big tip ; dont jerk of in front your camera mate :p Best solution ; Re-install windows / use Malwarebytes & be sure it cleaned the virus. OR ; go to www.virustotal.com / scan te file . Check who found it a virus. Download that program, remove the virus with that program . xx
  3. To be true, If the virus is completely FUD ( Fully undetactable ) then you are just fucked. ( For the next couple of days ) Malwarebytes is a recent scanner that will detect FUD virusses the fastest. so i also recommend, malwarebytes.
  4. Been busy for 1 week, 2/3 hours a day. Not really to fix.. just testing 1500 times & re-edit some stuff :p Also got some new locations now atm like ; - Maple Tree@ Camelot. - Yew Tree@ Edgeville Once you made a stable script. it is easier to add extra stuff like (Birdnest pickup) etc etc.
  5. Zach, i think the problem is solved. yesterday updated to .131 The test on my script was going strong for 11 hours. Thank you sir
  6. Thank you Jakobson, to be true, It is really fun ! Thankyou sir! & welcome back to the forums saw your intro page! thanks! Thank you sir, i am excited to make more ^^! Thankyou pro bullshit poster Thanks man, will do! Gelukkig maar haha bedankt pik! Thanks all of you for the great response and help
  7. Hey, and welcome to my introduction page! My name is Romano, living in The Netherlands. I am 20 years old, studying ICT. I am in a relationship for almost 3 years now. Having a great time, focussing on the future and still have a lot of fun! If you wanna know how i look like? Just check my profile. So.... Since 3 weeks i started playing OSRS again. But i didnt have really the time to get my stats up again. I decided to bot, but now on a different way. Create my own bot! Luckely I already knew a little bit of Java (because of school). I started to decide to make my FIRST own WOODCUTTING bot. (So not copy & paste a script.) Things are working out really well. I am proud to say that my script have runned flawless for 10+ Hours. ------------------ What does my first script supports? - Birdnest PICKUP. - Banking. - ANTI-BAN. - An interface. - XP/hour etc etc etc. ----------------- There is also a nice interface included to select your axe (More will be added soon), i wanna give a big shoutout to Explv for making this possible, and taking the time for me to learn me to make an interface. Credits to Explv ; http://osbot.org/forum/user/192661-explv/ for the interface and great help. --------------------------- How do i see my self in the future of OSRS botting? Ofcourse i am gonna try my best to release an official public script, but first i really need some more experience. If you want to use / test my script, you can just PM me. So.. at the end of this introduction page, i hope you guys know a bit who i am now.. and also on what i am working . ( Sorry for my English, it is not my first language ofc ) Romano / MDMAxHIT.
  8. It is my own script, the interaction with the NPC does work yes. "if (!getBank().isOpen()) { try { getBank().open();" Doesnt work for me @ G.E. --edit ; But to bank at the NPC @ G.E Works fine.
  9. GE banking doesnt work for me ..
  10. Hey guys, Some help please! Getting this error for already about 8 times.. Very annoying. Does somebody know a solution? Sometimes it happens after an hour, sometimes 3 times a hour. (There is no other bot open / there is no other JAR file or JAVA file open) Thank you
  11. Started OSRS about 3 weeks ago. Making a comeback ^^

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