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  1. Hello, I'm using v3.1 and Injection Mode. The script got stuck on the step "Smithing a Dagger." What is strange is that after stopping the script, attempting to start the script again at that specific step caused OSBot's CPU usage to skyrocket is 50-60% total CPU. After completing that step manually, script continued fine until "Banking." The script simply got stuck. Also got stuck on Closing the Poll Booth. I could babysit the script at least and just nudge it along and it works fine. Just those specific spots. Cheers
  2. Hello, So with the newest update the red screen of death has stopped occuring with Mirror, but now it seems as though some scripts can't even start or some can start their paints but fail to launch anything else. The scripts that I've tested so far are Woody's Blue Dragon Killer and CzarsRangeGuild. The first issue stems from any script trying to bypass the second login screen, it simply doesn't. It will idle indefinitely until manually clicking on the big red button. It works as intended with Injection. The second issue comes from the first script (WBDK). It will put up its paint, but will not launch the popup box with the script options and functions. It will work fine when using Injection. Another thing to note that is that the paint itself is displaying a runtime of "401589:36:13" for whatever reason. The issue with stalled scripts also occurs with scripts that don't require movement or an external box with options like Woody's. I tried it with CzarRG, and the script simply failed to do anything. There's no paint on screen, and the external box that listed the progress of the script also failed to show. This script also works fine with Injection. If there's any information y'all need me to give, just let me know. Cheers
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