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  1. i used OSBot client username to keep the progress of each botter is that aloud?
  2. my whole bot crashes when getting messages is there a way to get the last message only so not the whole array im using this. else if(api.chatbox.contains(MessageType.ALL, "Welcome to runescape.")) and then i get nulled when someone types a message or when i typ somthing
  3. Does someone have this to check if your bot is in a clan and if not it will join a clan.
  4. how do i call it from the main class it wont let me do it... getting NUlled or error i did Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); or Inventory inventory = new Inventory(null);
  5. cannot connect to osbot! What i get in osbot I think server is down
  6. Thank you il try that its so weird you cant like call methode from that class objects are working for me now but i want to make classes im using public voids now in main class....
  7. Oke Thanks anyway its a start
  8. do i need to have that item in my inventory?
  9. this gives me the amount in my inventory : this.getInventory().getAmount("Cowhide"); i want the ID if i do "CowHide"
  10. man im really stuck here im trying my best to understand it just wont work just getting nulled... and im trying to code in objectoriented and in classes ... if i put everything in main class it works fine.... but then its not objectoriented...
  11. i have no clue how this works.... Inv invent = new Inv(); Inv.this.exchangeContext(bot); invent.compareItems(); banked = invent.getWillowsCut(); private MethodProvider api; public void onStart() { api = new Inv(); api.exchangeContext(getBot()); } did it in my class still null class called Inv en main class called main
  12. where do i put it inside my class or main?
  13. awsome thanks works now public class Inventory extends MethodProvider{
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