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Everything posted by daggerattacker81

  1. Yeah I ended up doing the same thing. I'm relatively sure that this was the problem.
  2. I have the same issue. It seems that OSBot's internal multiple bot checker is mistaking other instances of Java as if you're running multiple bots. This happens to me when I have the OSRS client open, if I'm browsing a website that uses Java, or even if I'm using a Java IDE such as Eclipse. When I leave OSBot running and leave my computer alone with no open programs it works fine for hours.
  3. It still occurs with only one instance of OSBot or Java. Are there any preference or setting files that are created when OSBot is ran? EDIT: After deleting the OSBot folder and witnessing this happen again, it turns out that having Eclipse, OSRS's client, and OSBot open simultaneously may be the cause since each one of them runs their own Java instance. I'm not entirely sure yet.
  4. I added my own bot account when I first installed OSBot but this started to occur and I deleted it. Tried only using the Default bot account but it continues to happen.
  5. I'm having this issue where my OSBot client will occasionally stop my bot and tell me that I need VIP to run multiple bots at the same time. The thing is that I'm not attempting to run more than one bot and that this issue is still occurring. I'm only using the Default account for my bot and filling in my login manually so there are no more than one bots registered under my name. Why is this happening?
  6. I'll look into making my own walking event since local walker doesn't really do much of what I want it to do. Error checking whether or not my bot has arrived at a position is a pain with local walker as far as I know. http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WalkingEvent.html - This is all I've got to work with for creating a new walking event, right?
  7. Another quick question: does localWalker automatically set on run if energy is above a certain percentage? If so, how do I disable this or circumvent it?
  8. I wasn't aware that setRunning was an extension of the settings class. Thank you!
  9. I want to set running on while my bot loots items and set it off during trips to and from the bank. I'm still unfamiliar with a lot of the OSBot API so I have no clue what to do with the setRunning method. Is there any way to directly manipulate isRunning or is setRunning the only way to go about toggling run on/off?
  10. I'm trying to get setRunning to work. I've set up the method to return true and I'm passing it a false parameter. public boolean setRunning(boolean run) { return true; } public psuedoLoop() { setRunning(false); } I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I'm trying to set run off and I've tried all combinations of true and false returns and parameters.
  11. I'm not understanding how the three conditions in the first if-statement work. I'm new to this, but I thought == null and !exists() are the same thing? And if any of the conditions evaluate to true, why would you choose that Minotaur? It seems like it wouldn't be attackable in any of those cases NPC cow = getNpcs().closest(NAME); if (cow != null && cow.isAttackable() && cow.getHealth() > 0) if (cow.isVisible()) cow.interact("Attack"); else if (!cow.isVisible()) camera.toEntity(cow); cow.interact("Attack"); This is how I've laid out my Cow killer script. Would this work?
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