I am very new to the scripting scene, I have programming experience with other languages so I am quite familiar with programming logic.
I have gone through 2 tutorials to get a basic understanding of the structure of scripts and how to write a simple script but I am struggling a little bit with something.
The 2 tutorials for anyone thats interested:
Explv's tutorial:
Apaec's tutorial:
I found these both very useful.
I have written a very simple woodcutting script:
I am just a bit unsure how to handle something that happens in the script.
When my script finds a tree, it seems to spam click the tree whilst walking up to it until it actually begins chopping. I would like to prevent this from happening, but I am not sure how I achieve this.
If anyone could give me a clue on how I could achieve this, it would be massively appreciated.
Also - if anyone can see areas where I can improve me code please don't hesitate to tell me.
Thank you in advance.