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Everything posted by urfthe420

  1. Hi I am a diamond 5 league of legends player and I want to make some money. I decided to offer an elo boosting service, going up to plat 5. http://imgur.com/UewEHoO Experience I haven't got much experience boosting but I have done 2 boosts so far. http://imgur.com/uRfBaum Pricing: http://imgur.com/pngLfrV Requirements: You must be in EUW have Veigar. Account security: make sure you can recover, then change your password before boosting. PM me if interested or add me on skype: remy.amir.parks. ALSO: ranked restriction removing, $2.50 per game removed and chat restriction removing, $1.50 per game removed.
  2. Service requested: leveling 3 accounts from 1-37 magic Skype: remy.amir.parks I pay upfront. I agree to ToS.
  3. On rsbot there is a free one that does it
  4. Will get when available (either on SDN or download) seems like a good script. Anyone know what is better? scamming or begging?
  5. Ideas for the future: Antiban When finished making pizza bases, sell bases, pots and water then buys flour and buckets of water back in GE
  6. Hi I am a plat 2 league of legends player and I want to make some money. I decided to offer an elo boosting service, going up to plat 5. http://imgur.com/awPhgb9 Experience I haven't got much experience boosting but I have done 2 boosts so far. http://imgur.com/uRfBaum Pricing Bronze: $10 per division Silver: $15 per division - end of season discount: only $10 for silver 1 to gold 5 Gold: $20 per division Extra $2.50 for moving up a league Bronze 5 - Plat 5 prices me: $232.5 elo-boost.net: $443 lol-eloboosting.com: $425 lolskinshop.com: $380 eloboost.com: $419 Payment I accept PayPal and OSGP 1 mill = $1 You choose who goes first. If it is me, I do 1 division then you pay. PM me if interested or add me on skype: remy.amir.parks ALSO: ranked restriction removing, $2 per game removed.
  7. I have this problem too. The error report is this. [ERROR][09/06 08:08:17 AM]: Uncaught exception! java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2.5" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.coM7.<init>(ej:90) at org.osbot.BotApplication.iIiIiiiiIi(jp:344) at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(jp:148)
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