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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What spell/weapon/arrow did you try? The quest is supposed to use the safespot by the ladder
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Is the safespot not working?
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It should use the attack style you have set while loading gear on the GUI, or first attack style by default if there is no gear loaded and selected for that specific quest
  4. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Should be fixed now
  5. I'm afraid scripters don't handle refunds since the script sales go towards OSBot, but the script will attempt to restock only if there are any missing items, such as hammer, saw, planks, or if it cannot find a bell-pull and 2 beds, it will also need rope and bolts of cloth, but if all requirements are already present it will not have to go to GE and any missing requirements should be printed in the logger (top right corner -> settings -> toggle logger)
  6. Token

    Ad issues

    @Nouk111 a screenshot of this ad popping up in the script selector would be useful for the devs
  7. Just don't log in anymore if you don't want to lol
  8. Authed Release date is not fixed yet It's same as bought scripts, it will appear in the script list
  9. @Druko if you paid with anything but paypal balance (eg. card or gift card), it may take a few days for paypal to process the payment
  10. A new version is live with lots of bug fixes and a few extra features, restocking is there but temporarily disabled
  11. Make sure you log in with your username not email
  12. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    There's instructions on the top left corner of the client, I think it's F4 to lower the number printed there
  13. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Have you tried reducing mirror mode reaction time from the default 1000ms setting to 50ms? That should make interactions faster
  14. I had no idea cabbages can't be noted Gonna include some fixes in the next update Yes That link isn't working Authed N/A atm
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Hopefully yes Set the desired spell on autocast when loading equipment
  16. It does not support money pouch right now, it's best to start at GE as it may buy some supplies. Do you already have a demon butler, kitchen, bedrooms, dining room, bell pull and beds built? Does the house have multiple floors? Could you PM me the logger contents (top right corner, settings -> toggle logger, copy & paste) via https://pastebin.com/ or discord (I'm in OSBot's official discord)
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What gear are you trying to set? What gear are you trying to set?
  18. I can't seem to be able to reproduce that Is it missing any items like teleport to house or ring of dueling? What's printed in the logger?
  19. How many oak planks is it buying?
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