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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Theoretically yes but it will need items like teleport tabs, enchanted jewelry which isn't really worth it on an iron man; there is an iron man mode (press F5 while the GUI is open, title will change to Stealth Quester (ironman mode)) but this only supports 9 quests atm where it will automatically gather all required items; there is also the debug mode (press F4 while the GUI is open) which disables banking and GE, but that requires starting with items in inventory and may not work if some items are missing Downstairs, upstairs or middle floor? Did it obtain slime/ground bones/tokens? It may take a little longer, especially when walking, there are some delays which come from the webwalker but shouldn't be an issue; are there any messages spammed in the logger while it is not doing anything?
  2. Thanks, I'll run a test shortly Authed
  3. Authed Authed Authed Authed Not yet Authed Authed Working on that
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Theoretically yes, but something like this has happened before with other quests when using charged items and losing too many charges on a previous quest, there's most likely an error with the way it determines the required charges per quest that I have to find I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Is it missing games necklace? What's wrong with banking? Was the quest previously started? What's printed in the logger? There's a hardcoded 43 prayer 25 hitpoints requirement
  6. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What item is it getting stuck on? I'll be adding more quests to this script instead, I won't release separate scripts
  7. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Authed I remember that, I didn't manage to reproduce it back then, but I'm glad that's sorted
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Not atm, it's only supported in Monkey Madness and Underground Pass, but it will use them by default there What's printed in the logger? (Top right corner under Settings -> Toggle logger) Does it have the requirements for the specific RFD subquest? That wouldn't allow for the creation of quest presets for gold farming, the gear can be loaded via the load worn equipment button and then selected on the right side of the quests you want to use it on
  9. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    The bank pins are handled by client solvers, it's possible it only works for the bank but I'm not 100% sure as I never used a bank pin lol, I'll ask the devs to add it to the NMZ coffer
  10. Don't call API methods before the onStart() executes, so nothing that assigns the result to class fields or in constructors/initializer blocks
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Why is it inside taverly underground? That area is not part of the quest and shouldn't walk there
  12. Thanks, should be fixed now Authed Authed Authed Authed Authed They have been updated, there was an error on the GUI which prevented editing the default values, I have to test the synchronized part again to make sure that's working as intended though but the rest is updated on the SDN; I've got a large batch of bug fixes to push but should all be up by sunday Authed Authed
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Remove any untradeable/expensive items from the gear presets, the quest items shouldn't be more than 50k-100k Use a staff to autocast some spell and load it, the script will deposit the staff when going to Entrana $25 Not that I know of Yes, the original version had only 18 quests, it's at 64 right now
  14. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Authed Sorry for the delay, I'll push a fix shortly
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