Make sure you don't guzzle to stay at 1 HP, that's too many interactions which will likely increase ban rates, I generally set the guzzle threshold to 5-10
Maybe, haven't looked at that one yet
Yes, it's just that I've been extremely busy
I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials
If there are any issues copy + paste the entire logger and send me a PM
Auto retaliate stops after 20 mins without a game interaction, it will need to do something like drinking a potion/food/flicking prayer in order to start attacking
I'll consider it but I don't know if it would actually increase xp/h
The script fetches from bank, leave planks in bank
Sure, I'll include it in the next update
The random location sits wherever it ends up, i.e. will not walk back to a position after using a power-up, I should have given that a better name lol