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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What exactly is the problem?
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Maybe in Stealth Quester 2.0
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It's quite a large project, so in order to improve stability I decoupled the quests and created a more modular approach. This allowed the script to quickly develop from 17 quests in the first version to 40 today. Wasting a few seconds is not really a concern when you are botting.
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed There may be issues if prices fluctuate a lot but an iron pick for 3k sounds like something it should eventually obtain, even if not instant
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Miniquests have a different structure, I may release that as a free script instead
  6. I'm not the creator of mirror mode so I can't provide more accurate insight into this problem but judging from the error message you can try the following 1. Install the latest JDK http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html 2. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set on your system Windows: Press super + r start cmd execute the command "where java" Linux: execute "which java" The output should contain a line for the JDK folder, not only JRE (if you also have JRE installed) 3. Go to {JDK}/lib/ and look for the file tools.jar which contains the Attach API used to attach to Java processes If this one is missing, you can find it on google but it should be included in the JDK Make sure the JVM you are attaching to is supported by mirror mode
  7. Yep. We can ban you all day long. We won't ever get rid of you.
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What quest is in progress?
  9. Token

    Stealth Quester

    The order associated with each quick start button is on the first post, I took into consideration those levels when I said you should get a few attack levels before, just to make sure Shadow of the Storm succeeds (without trying for a few hours)
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Before we lost some combat related hooks in the client, the script could do all quests if you started on a lvl 3. Now Shadow of the Storm may take too many attempts, so if you want to do that one too maybe a few attack level would help.
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Well... I can't really fit an option that doesn't actually complete the quest in the script, but if you really want the cake, you can let it complete the quest and talk to the dwarf after quest to get the cake
  12. Token

    Stealth Quester

    There's also a warning against using breaks while questing on the first post. The break manager is not written by me and I have no control over it, so it will just kick in whenever it feels like and probably make the bot die
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I don't personally use mirror mode for anything but that's up to you. Mirror mode currently cannot handle interactions with widgets like dialogues so there is no way scripts that require many dialogue interactions will work on mirror mode.
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    There is a big red warning on first post about mirror mode, unfortunately the mirror mode client has been broken for a really long time (probably last year) and I doubt it's getting fixed anytime soon since it hasn't been updated in 11 months It's not working with mirror mode on anything that requires dialogues as stated on the first post, so pretty much anything Idk
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What exactly is not working? Are you using mirror mode?
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Longest story I ever heard but ok lol As I previously mentioned the DMM button is provided in the current version "as is" without any warranty that it works with the current season's game mechanics, the script is designed for hardcore goldfarming, not for DMM or mains
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed Right now you can just start the script with a quest list and it will print the missing items in the logger after checking your bank Deadman mode is not officially supported in the current version. The DMM button on the GUI is provided "as is" with no warranty that it is adapted to the current version of the game mode. When they are ready
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