I doubt you will find answer's you're looking for even if you pay for them.
From what I've seen most people are making good cash from barrow's, as even if you go to money making script's you can see the thread's that are used mostly meaning the script's that are used mostly by people and gold farmer's. There is no secret to making money, all you have to do is get the required skill's in order to make better cash, as the harder the method is, the more money it will make.
So barrow's is one of a way, you can also make account's to do fishing, hunter and such skill's but it all depends on the level's that you're willing to get on the accounts.
As from your logic you want something to make 250k an hour with little to no requirement's, as soon as a method of such sort come's into the game, it get's ruined anyway, so stick to old school money making from things like barrows or if you're lazy to get the requirement's just get many account's to do some fishing.