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  1. The problem is I can't check on my status if it gets stuck there, otherwise my check would return false and the script would move on to the next section. The fact that my interact never returns is what's causing the issue, and since it never returns the code never moves on. I'll look into the first suggestion though, thanks!
  2. I'm a visual person so here is a picture of what I think is causing this bug in my code. Essentially, I get stuck while calling to interact with an object, and this keeps me from checking to make sure I still need to perform that action, but it seems like there is nothing I can do, because I cannot add my parameter inside the interact call itself and I must wait for it to return. However, this bug is causing it to never return. I know this because I have a log statement before interacting, and when this bug occurs there is no logged statement, just continuous attempts to interact. Any idea how I can fix this? I'd rather not wait the 5 seconds it takes to go through the tunnel between each interaction. Basically I want to spam click the tunnel until I know I am through (if possible)
  3. Not sure what I'm missing EDIT: I had wrong one and was blind apparently
  4. I copied the complete code in step 10 and I got a bunch of errors, what's wrong? e cannot be resolved to a variable Syntax error on ">", invalid ( e cannot be resolved to a variable Syntax error on tokens, expected ( instead Syntax error, insert ")" to complete the Expression Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens
  5. Can someone help me write something to move the camera? I keeping getting nullPointerException when using camera.moveYaw() EDIT: or I think I remember seeing something in the API about if the object is on the game screen, maybe I should use that? If anyone knows that that function is
  6. I usually get an output of something like this [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:10 PM]: Loaded 2 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:10 PM]: Let's get started! [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:10 PM]: Started script : NatCraft [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:10 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:15 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3026, y=4813, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:15 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 27 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:16 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:21 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3026, y=4813, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:21 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 27 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:21 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:26 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3026, y=4813, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:26 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 27 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:27 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:32 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3038, y=4853, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:32 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 27 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:32 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:37 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3038, y=4853, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:38 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 24 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:38 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:43 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3038, y=4853, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:44 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 24 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:44 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:49 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3038, y=4853, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:49 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 24 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:50 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:55 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3038, y=4853, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:56 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 24 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:15:57 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:02 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=3049, y=4813, z=0]]; [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:02 PM]: Mining rock at a distance 14 [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:02 PM]: Starting TEST_ABYSS state [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:06 PM]: Terminating script NatCraft... [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:06 PM]: Finished! [INFO][Bot #1][06/17 08:16:06 PM]: Script NatCraft has exited! But I do also have the movement to the next state taken out at the moment. so the script will never continue on once it makes it inside. It ran and logged that output while faced away from the nearby rock, and once I turned the camera it clicked on the rock. It looks similar even when not spawning near a rock except it just hovers over the object and logs like that.
  7. I'm trying to write my own abyss runecrafter script, I've got everything else working except navigating the abyss. The problem my script is having is it located a "rock" object but is instead the eyes or some other obstacle and it just hovers over the object because it it is unable to interact with the object to "mine" (or at least that's what i think the problem is). At the end I find my distance to the center of the abyss (hence center a position variable) to check if I have entered the so called "inner abyss radius". Any idea what's going on here? My code snippet: case TEST_ABYSS: log("Starting "+ CURRENT + " state"); Thread.sleep(5000); Entity rockTest = objects.closest("Rock"); //find and declare the object if(rockTest == null) //if there are no nearby objects { log("No entrances nearby"); if(myPlayer().getPosition().getY() >= 4832) //if on abyss top side, walk bottom { Position dest = new Position(3040+random(-2,2),4809+random(-2,2),0); log("On top half, walking to bottom side"); getWalking().webWalk(dest); } if(myPlayer().getPosition().getY() < 4832) //if on abyss bottom side, walk top { Position dest = new Position(3040+random(-2,2),4856+random(-2,2),0); log("On bottom half, walking to top side"); getWalking().webWalk(dest); } } if(rockTest != null) //if there is a nearby rock walk to it and interact { getWalking().webWalk(rockTest.getPosition()); rockTest.interact("Mine"); log("Mining rock at a distance " + myPlayer().getPosition().distance(center)); } break;
  8. I've been struggling with this for hours too. I followed all the instructions, and apart from running eclipse on a USB drive(still exported to my scripts) and renaming the "OSBot 2.4.68" to just "OSBot" and my script won't show up. I then tried to use your code and do everything as you did and it still didn't show up, so I downloaded other scripts, placed them in and I could see them. Any idea what the issue is?
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