-----Bug Report----- OSBot Version:2.3.99 Mirror Mode?: No Description Of Setup: idk what this means. using a desktop. windows. Description Of Bug: Normally when you click the bones and use them on the altar you only have to click it once and it will use your whole inventory of bones. but the script keeps trying to use the bones on the altar after every bone causing it to stop you and wasting a lot of time. It also has problems finding its way to the portal after you bank.
Was standing in bank after taking out bones and it was saying this while not moving -
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:46 AM]: Attempting to interact with [Portal] using option [Enter]
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:46 AM]: Searching for Portal at [x=2542, y=3097, z=0]
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:46 AM]: Entity not visible, turning camera to [x=2542, y=3097, z=0]
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:47 AM]: Attempting to interact with [Portal] using option [Enter]
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:47 AM]: Searching for Portal at [x=2542, y=3097, z=0]
[iNFO][bot #1][08/17 11:14:47 AM]: Entity not visible, turning camera to [x=2542, y=3097, z=0]