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Everything posted by ishippuden

  1. Hey man, own your fletcher, wc and fisher script - all great. Any chance I can get a trial on this one please?
  2. Oh right, i've never actually changed it. How do I set it to default, I can't find that option in game and I have no idea where the slider should be to be at default.
  3. Just a heads up. Willows at Barb assault seem to be bugged when trying to bank. It miss-clicks behind the bank and keeps walking around the outside off the walls.
  4. http://imgur.com/aGrdp2p Only a 24hr proggy but shows it works. One thing ive noticed though is it will sometimes click to report someone and get stuck. This is happening in the GE while stringing yew longs if that helps. other tan that though its great
  5. Damn man, had a bot running since you released up to the Thursday game update which ruined the proggy since I was at work. currently have a 24+ hour one though. Have to say, it seems perfect atm for me
  6. Just purchased it, will try and get a proggy for ya
  7. Yo when is it going to be available ?
  8. Alright thanks. Most likely going to buy it after I get 100k yews (couple days I think). Very pleased with your programming Sir, it puts my lazy ass to shame
  9. It's Yews, but rather not say where, sorry . Also Czar, how is your Fletching bot atm? Thinking about getting it.
  10. Alright man, just thought I'd drop you another proggy ~103 hours
  11. Thanks for the Knome addition, working perfect! Also for anyone that may be on the fence about this script, here is one of my 76+ hour proggies with it http://imgur.com/83JUSuP Edit: After about an hour of working fine on West Knome yews, it started missclicking Oaks and not being able to leave the bank. East is still working fine though
  12. Hmm I can't seem to find the jar file needed. I used the one from the first release and then tried to run mirror mode but it says it's looking for a client to attach too. I have the osrs client loaded too. Any help on this?
  13. http://imgur.com/JHqYbmi This is the area i roughly give it in the custom map and like i said it chops fine and enters the bank but never leaves. If you could add this area to the Yew Gnome stronhold option it'd be great.
  14. Thanks for the quick fix, but is it possible to make the bot only chop the yews next to the bank in Tree Knome? ATM it goes to the bottom corner. I've tried using custom range but then it banks and never leaves to carry on chopping
  15. Yews at tree knome are broken. Custom setting the area seems to find the trees but not the bank. Also the reported clicking settings tab all the time. One other thing, the custom map doesn't always pop up especially when using it on more than one bot.
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