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Everything posted by wavh

  1. For how long have you been doing this? I have also seen some changes for the past 2 weeks but it goes up and down and has been doing so for the past 4 months. What I did was to use a new batch of proxies and seems to working better again. I think it is a combination of a and c. Script, proxies and also accounts (if you are muling) are being monitored more carefully. Change some patterns (as in script but also proxies) and you should be fine.
  2. Been thinking about this for a couple of days now and: Im looking for a partner for this project. Send me a message if you are interested
  3. Thank you guys! Extra tack till dig, Jammer ? @Slicer Yes I've been working on this project for a couple of weeks. Thank you!
  4. Hi! It is time to give goldfarming another shot. Kind of ran out of freetime last I tried. Decided to implement database support this time so I that I am able to control the whole farm by a dashboard and also automate as much as possible . I will keep this thread updated with progress logs etc etc. Made a small video where I show how the dashboard works. I have not put any effort in the design as you can see, might do that later. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to comment.
  5. Thank you guys! Thank you, appreciate it! Will do!
  6. Thank you mate, will need it! Hard to not lose motivation sometimes when you get struck by bans etc but I will really try to go through with this project.
  7. Hello guys, I have decided to start goldfarming again as a fun project. Since the release of OSRS I have been running small farms doing simple tasks but now I decided to take it one step further. This time I am going to make a custom script which will hopefully decrease the banrates and also allow more automatisation thus making the whole process easier. The concept is quite simple, it is an AIO script that will try to mimic a human as much as possible. That includes switching tasks, taking breaks etc. I will not be suicide botting, instead focusing on making each account survive as long as possible. My goal is to have the farm running Barrows and Zulrah in the end. As of now, I am running the bots on my main computer since the script is still in a very early stage of development. In the future, I will be using a dedicated server combined with proxies. The accounts will be 100% botted, except for tutorial island and eventual quests. Journal Day 1 Current Stage of the Script Future Future assignments to be added: Future AIO to be added These pictures are not supposed to be shown here, some issue with the post editor. Sorry
  8. Alright so I just took this script to a whole new level. Added some basic GUI (COULD SOME1 PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE A SEXY ONE? ) which means it can now mine everything in yanille. Download link: http://uppit.com/hb2rghjwd11m/YanilleAIO.jar
  9. Yes ofc i can! Just woke up but i Will send it to you when im done,gotta fix some walking also
  10. Hello! Earlier this week I got into scripting and tried to make a runecrafting bot, it was unsucessful and i ragequitted for some days. I got back today and decided to create a clay miner. I have been spending the whole night trying to get it work. Its in a critical stage which means that it probably contains alot of bugs. Therefor i'll be releasing it and let you guys test it. Please post below if you are gonna try it, and please post below if you find any bug. Explain the bug and i will fix it. Add my skype : william.holmb if you want to be a beta tester for future scripts. Dont mind the paint, will remove if you think its annoying. Was just playing around with photoshop haha! http://uppit.com/naxo2kr3syfd/clayss.jar For download. Code: package Miner; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.osbot.script.Script; import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.script.rs2.map.Position; import org.osbot.script.rs2.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.script.rs2.skill.Skill; import org.osbot.script.rs2.ui.Bank; import org.osbot.script.rs2.utility.Area; @ScriptManifest(author = "Wavh", info = "Mines dem clays for you![BETA STAGE]", name = "ClayMiner", version = 0.1) public class Clay extends Script{ static Timer runTime = new Timer(0); public Position bankPos = new Position(2613,3094,0); public Area mineArea = new Area(2633,3140,2627,3146); Position minePos = new Position(2628,3145,0); int clayRock = 11728; int claysmined = 0; int clay = 434; int startXp; String status = "Starting!"; public void onStart() { startXp = client.getSkills().getExperience(Skill.MINING); runTime = new Timer(0); } public long lastRun = 0; public Position lastClick = null; public int randomDistance = 0; public boolean walkToLocation(Position p) throws InterruptedException { int maxY; int maxX; boolean revY = false; boolean revX = false; Position playerPosition = myPlayer().getPosition(); if(playerPosition.getX() < p.getX()) { revX = true; int distance = p.getX()-playerPosition.getX(); if(distance > 17) { maxX = 17; } else { maxX = distance; } } else { int distance = playerPosition.getX()-p.getX(); if(distance > 17) { maxX = 17; } else { maxX = distance; } } if(playerPosition.getY() < p.getY()) { revY = true; int distance = p.getY()-playerPosition.getY(); if(distance > 17) { maxY = 17; } else { maxY = distance; } } else { int distance = playerPosition.getY()-p.getY(); if(distance > 17) { maxY = 17; } else { maxY = distance; } } int addX = (int) (10+(Math.random()*(maxX-10))); int addY = (int) (10+(Math.random()*(maxY-10))); if(maxX < 10) { addX = maxX; } if(maxY < 10) { addY = maxY; } if(!revX) { addX = addX*-1; } if(!revY) { addY = addY*-1; } if(lastClick == null) { if(walk(new Position(playerPosition.getX()+addX, playerPosition.getY()+addY, playerPosition.getZ()))) { lastClick = new Position(playerPosition.getX()+addX, playerPosition.getY()+addY, playerPosition.getZ()); randomDistance = (int) (3+(Math.random() * 3)); } } else { if(lastClick.distance(myPlayer().getPosition()) < randomDistance) { if(walk(new Position(playerPosition.getX()+addX, playerPosition.getY()+addY, playerPosition.getZ()))) { lastClick = new Position(playerPosition.getX()+addX, playerPosition.getY()+addY, playerPosition.getZ()); randomDistance = (int) (3+(Math.random() * 3)); } } } if(lastClick.distance(p) < 5) { lastClick = null; return true; } return false; } public enum State { WALK_TO_BANK, WALK_TO_MINE,MINE,BANK } public State getState() { if(client.getInventory().isFull() && !client.getMyPlayer().getPosition().equals(bankPos)) { return State.WALK_TO_BANK; } if(client.getInventory().isFull() && client.getMyPlayer().getPosition().equals(bankPos)) { return State.BANK; } if(!client.getInventory().isFull() && !mineArea.contains(client.getMyPlayer())) { return State.WALK_TO_MINE; } if(!client.getInventory().isFull() && mineArea.contains(client.getMyPlayer())) { return State.MINE; } return null; } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch(getState()) { case WALK_TO_BANK: status = "Walking to bank!"; walkToBank(); break; case WALK_TO_MINE: status = "Walking to mine!"; walkToMine(); case MINE: status = "Mining!"; mine(); break; case BANK: status = "Banking!"; bank(); } return 80; } private void walkToMine() throws InterruptedException { walkToLocation(minePos); } private void walkToBank() throws InterruptedException { walkToLocation(bankPos); } private void bank() throws InterruptedException { Bank bank = client.getBank(); RS2Object booth = closestObjectForName("Bank booth"); if(!bank.isOpen()) { if(booth != null) { booth.interact("Bank"); } } if(bank.isOpen()) { bank.depositAll(); sleep(500); bank.close(); } } private void mine() throws InterruptedException { RS2Object clayRocks = closestObject(clayRock); if(mineArea.contains(client.getMyPlayer())) { if(!client.getInventory().isFull()) { if(!client.getMyPlayer().isAnimating()){ if(clayRocks != null) { client.moveCameraToEntity(clayRocks); clayRocks.interact("Mine"); if(clayRocks.interact("Mine")) { sleep(random(700, 1400)); } } } } }else { walkToLocation(minePos); } } public void onMessage(String message){ if(message.contains("You manage to mine some clay")) { claysmined++; } } private Image getImage(String url) { try { return ImageIO.read(new URL(url)); } catch(IOException e) { return null; } } private final Color color1 = new Color(132, 214, 255); private final Font font1 = new Font("GulimChe", 0, 13); private final Image img1 = getImage("http://gyazo.com/09735524a20461076ee4c206a1e8c6a3.png"); public void onPaint(Graphics g1) { int atmXp = client.getSkills().getExperience(Skill.MINING); int xpGained = atmXp - startXp; Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g1; g.drawImage(img1, -5, 338, null); g.setFont(font1); g.setColor(color1); g.drawString("Experience gained: " + xpGained + " (" + getPerHour(xpGained)+ "/h)", 277, 416); g.drawString("Clays mined: " + claysmined + " (" + getPerHour(claysmined) + "/h)", 277, 386); g.drawString("Status: " + status, 77, 465); // g.drawString("Timer: " , 406, 465); } public static int getPerHour(int value) { if(runTime != null && runTime.getElapsed() > 0) { return (int) (value*3600000 / runTime.getElapsed()); } else{ return 0; } } public static long getPerHour(long value) { if(runTime != null && runTime.getElapsed() > 0) { return (long) (value*3600000 / runTime.getElapsed()); } else{ return 0; } } public void onExit() { } }
  11. Thank you so much! I had alot problems with walking a long distance, this solved everything! Im so happy right now!
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