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Posts posted by Jowsiej

  1. idk of this works, but it works for me:


    When i traded the stuff to my bot accounts, im letting them to cool down for like 4-7 days.

    Than im going to make them member/start botting.


    When you trade stuff the account and start them right a way with botting, its suspicious..


    Try alot of things out, and see what works for you :)


    How much deposit can you pay: mby 4m? can do somethings for free to get the rest of the payment from there, since im not wealthy and 4m is about more or less my bank xD

    What position are you applying for: questing

    Experience in the position: im more or less new to offer my services but i done ALL the quests several times on accounts back in the days, for me and my irl friends and same now again on 07 smile.png

    How much hours a day are you available: it depends, but ATLEST 5-6hr aday

    What is your skype: sweetsebbi

    Do you accept the tos: Yes


    Welcome in my service smile.png


    Still searching for workers :)


    How much deposit can you pay: 4.5M ( + Some task and you can keep the money )

    What position are you applying for: Powerlevel/Quester

    Experience in the position: Experienced

    How much hours a day are you available: 4-5

    What is your skype: Already have mine biggrin.png

    Do you accept the tos: Yes 


    Welcome to my service :)

  4. Good idea but not everybody uses OSbuddy. For example, I use Runeloader because it's a lot smoother and less laggy. smile.png

    If you are interested in the position, we can figure something out smile.png

    But i prefer osbuddy, because i can check it if my workers are using bots :P

  5. I would be interested but

    "- If you use bots (when the buyer said hand) will be kicked from the service! NO REFUND of the deposit"

    how do you prove if the person ordering a service doesn't use a bot/or after the service, gets his own account banned, then blames the person who did the service for him?

    I know what you mean, but when you train with osbuddy, the client makes screenshot. When the account gets banned of macroing, you can show me the screenshots ;) you wont get kicked of the service

    • Like 1
  6. Welcome,


    Description about my service:


    I make/powerlevel goldfarming accounts. I am doing quests for others and i make tutorial accounts. All accounts are handmade! But lately i got overbooked, so i need a worker smile.png


    What am i searching ATM:


    -Powerleveler [small and big tasks] and quester in one :)





    - 7-10m Deposit fee is required! When you stop working for me, you will get 75% back but only when you worked for me more than 3         months or finished 20 tasks!

    - I will be middleman for the order, or the buyer is trusted. 

    - When the task is completed, you will get 90%-95% of the payment. Depends how much the payment is.

    - You need to complete all orders that you have agreed on! If you don't do this, you will only be paid 50% of what you did for the buyer. What the consequences are, will be discussed!

    - If you use bots (when the buyer said hand) will be kicked from the service! NO REFUND of the deposit

    - If you are offline for a while, just tell me. I will find a solution for it!

    - All the orders will be go through me. You will not accept order from customers from my service. You may have a service by your own smile.png


    If you got any questions? Pm me!


    The form:


    How much deposit can you pay:

    What position are you applying for:

    Experience in the position:

    How much hours a day are you available:

    What is your skype:

    Do you accept the tos:


    ps: Dont watch my grammar mistakes :$




    • Like 1
  7. Welcome to my tutorial account topic!


    First of all, you need to know that those accounts are botted! But before i sell them, they are 2-3 days old. That is why the prices are lower than the hand made accounts!



    The prices


    1-4 Accounts:                  120k 07 each

    5-9 Accounts:                  110k 07 each

    10-24 Accounts:               100k 07 each

    25+ Accounts:                  85k 07 each


    I make the accounts, so i am the first owner of all the accounts!


    The Stock:



    The Tos:


    • Unless you are trusted, you go first or a MM.
    • Im not responsible for any ban after the trade. Because you know they are botted.
    • An order can be denied
    • You must leave a feedback after the trade


    The form:


    How much accounts:

    You added me on skype:

    Your skype:

    Accepting the tos:

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