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Posts posted by Jowsiej

  1. I am hiring workers that are trustable and efficient. 

    I am looking now for a quester (other can be discussed on skype)! 

    Tos for joining:

    • You will have to deposit 25m 07. When you quit, this is 75% refundable. * **
    • You can't be banned on any other site. 
    • You need to have skype to talk about orders and other things.
    • You must be talk Dutch or English
    • You have some feedback or/and have 100 post count.

    *The deposit amount will determine which order you will get. For example. An account with 100m worth (the stats or the bank) will not be given to you if you deposit 25m 07.

    ** The deposit won't be refunded when you scammed someone or got kicked for a good reason(Example: Third party, botting etc.).

    Tos services:

    • You won't bot or third-party the service.
    • I am asking 5-10% for each order. 
    • You are not allowed to take the order if they found and want to order by my service.
    • The orders goes always trough me. 
    • If you are going inactive for a while, please notice me.


    My service is still rising on the market. This means that there are some days that you might have nothing to do. I allow you to have your own service or a worker by someone else. ONLY if it doesnt stand in the way for my service :)

    Application form:

    • For how long do you play Runescape?:
    • Age?: 
    • Do you agree the joining tos?:
    • Do you agree the service tos?:
    • How much cash do you want to deposit?:
    • What can you do for me as worker?
    • Skype:

    My skype: Britt.Kuperus


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