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Everything posted by futurepasts

  1. Saw like 3 similar tools on other botting forums but ur's looks better Thanks mate !
  2. Yep using walk to entity one its alot easier and thanks alot for helping me mate
  3. So how then i could walk to my room inside my house :?
  4. Area area = new Area(10519, 3735, 10512, 3728); inside house portal And after i go outside of my house and re-enter it All cordinates changes After: Area area1 = new Area(11400, 5600, 11422, 5604); inside house portal So it changes and i don't know why :?
  5. Once again thanks mate! But i'm facing 1 more faking problem i can't resolve.After i re-enter my house x,y changes so i can't make sure my player is near the right object. Example before enter:X-10490,Y-6800,Z-0 After re-enter 11400,9540,0 I's it possible to fix this ;D? since i can't even walk corretly
  6. Ok thanks mate it worked to not create a new thread i will ask here now maybe there's any way to interact with object more human like ? Like spam click on 1 spot because When interacting with object it moves mouse randombly around the object which is kinda bot like and of course it's accurate is really bad
  7. Ok but maybe is it possible to spam without delay or with really low ? Cuz thats really slow
  8. Hello i really need help to make script type letter without pressing enter.I tried robot class but that affects user input so its shit Next i tried press key which did nothing but maybe i'm not doing it right?
  9. No i'm not that dumb to create tons of accounts
  10. Well i don't need other tools i buyed that crappy script it worked like shit support respond time was like 200 years And now i can't see it on sdn also it was buggy and most time i couldn't even start it
  11. So before some time i buyed Master Race script factory and after that i tried the script and it was totally trash full of bugs.After that i contacted Script creator he didn't answered Then i just leaved osbot for like 2 weeks and after that i dindn't saw that script on Sdn or my collection anymore.So is there any answer did script got removed or something because i payed for that.
  12. I have different accounts mate ( I mean i have buyed on other older one )
  13. Sup! So i keep getting bans on all of my farm accounts (I still make profit) but i could make more if i would trade items to mule since i can't manage my bots 24/7 I was thinking about making timer and check if x time passed then check if mule exist if no then wait till it appears. Or maybe there's easier/better solution? If so then pls post it Thanks for the help i will receive
  14. Thanks for the answer but what do i do if for example my username is wrong and login fails? or my account banned ? i tried to use widget tool but it seems that it isnt work ing in login screen (By saying what do i do if login fails i meant how to delete username and pass field )
  15. Is this even possible on osbot? I looked at api and didn't founded anything about login except for state. What i want to do is use my login info example:Username:password either from array list or from txt (since i have around 100 bots that needs to login every few hours (my private method) and sometimes it gets banned so it would be alot easier to just put new accounts to .txt file or array list I don't care about bans since its just f2p accounts i can create them as much as i want.And also i don't use proxies because thats a waste of money just for f2p accounts So if its possible please post how to do it (i don't need code just give me advice on how to do it on osbot )
  16. Hello so i watched Sumo's task based system tutorial but it wasn't really good then i saw Villius post and fixed my project but then problem arrives with sleep since i can't use it example : script.sleep(200); then i need to add throws expection and after it shit happends Maybe sombody could help me ? Explained in gif
  17. Thanks token now im using widgets to do my things
  18. First of all i'm not trying to make merching script i just wanna sell item once i have amount that i need but i can't understand how to sell item i looked at api and succesfully made script choose amount and confirm if i choose item manually. Hope u understood me and willing to help Thanks!
  19. Hello so i encounter 2 problems today first one is with walking other is about failsafe 1.Walking Since new webwalking won't work correctly due it's only in beta so im forced to use other methods like this:( i know this one is outdated but it does the job mostly ) localWalker.walk(AREA,true); so the problem is that when sript stops working due lacks of failsafes (2nd question) and when osbot rellogs it wont walk anymore unless i walk manually ( same shit with webwalking) and inside logger i never saw any errors 2.Failsafe Since i wan't to make script that works for more than 30min to 1 hour i need to create failsafe bu how to do it ? is this what im thinking is good? Make timer for idle time example like 2 mins and if that time passed and im neither at bank or any other location walk to bank/somewhere else. And for last how to know where my script crashed since i don't wanna sit near my pc all day to look at what part my script crashed
  20. First of all don't use vpn second don't bot flax its shit money and the ban rate is sky high find a better money making method
  21. No no i mean like when im using my own script i need onPaint method to draw my path to some kind of area or something like that
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