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Everything posted by rahimchode

  1. damn you giving 72 hour trails! omg! Need to get mems, then im gonna ask for a trail
  2. Yeah, it's crazy so quick too! Ikr sad :\ I think I got banned when they were updating the game or something I guess, by a little :P was trying to mine on both accounts for a bond I had about 1.5m-2m i believe, calculated my bank on both accs + what the bot said i apparently made Damn dude, that just sucks.. 300m that's insane.. I was just planning on making some cashies on these accounts and then transferring it to my pure lol :P
  3. nope was f2p.. Surprisingly the accounts lasted for atleast 3 days lol
  4. rahimchode

    Fruity NMZ

    You linked me here from my Nmz thread!! Will definately use this! Thanks!
  5. Thank you very much! Gonna need this!
  6. Hello, I just wanted to say I got banned suicide botting lol, Had an account with 70 mining and another that was 60 mining, Wasn't using mirror mode sadly, but it looks like even with mirror mode people getting banned lol :P Good learning experience
  7. Sorry, i'm confused.. what are MTD hosts? Thank you
  8. where did you train to get 90 str? where did you train to get 90 str?
  9. Hi, I was wondering if it were possible to do nmz on a pure? How would I go about doing this? Sorry, new to this NMZ stuff, used to rock crabs and whatnot
  10. Good guide! Will do these quests for my pure
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