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  1. If you call yourself an 'insane java programmer' I think you should rethink about your problem solving skills. You have a pretty hard time explaining the issue.
  2. Alright guys, I tried to figure it out but I can't just get it working. I want the not do something IF a normal person is clicking a certain thing in game. (so trough human input) Example: XMQ clicks at an chicken. Script, that is running at that time, figures out this a NPC and does a certain thing.
  3. ill buy it - is it botted? needa know whether to trade it on my main or mule lol
  4. those scripts have probably been raped hard. A lotta sdn scripts get you banned very quickly now days.
  5. I have 150, all sat for at least 2 weeks pm me price
  6. XmQ

    A N G E R Y

    People take the Washington compost seriously?
  7. XmQ


    very little cos it fits no purpose, and there's no such thing as buying starter mains from strangers
  8. XmQ

    Agil Training

    This can be done by me for a low price, however i don't use skype. Pm on forums if ur interested, and we can pm details elsewhere.
  9. Check config to check if auto-cast is set. Anyways.. I think configs work with autocast
  10. Decompile and figure out the class where your name is stored and change the String. After that just compile it again. Isn't that hard. Or is your question how to use spaces in your name? It's possible.
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