@ any chance you can reactivate the trial for me?
A mixture between me being at work and the client updating after a number of hours I was unable to test it
I appreciate it if you can, if not, no worries man.
I had my test run wit a trial stopping at 750 points (2 rolls on the drop table).
Worked really well, hoping to purchase it today providing I can gather the money today
If in the odd chance that you die, would it be possible to add a web-walk to a Bank and then grab a Games Necklase and teleport back to Wintertodt and continue?
After using the trial for a few runs, I have a suggestion (if possible).
After each round do the following:
1. Teleport using Ring of Dueling to Clan Wars
2. Bank the crate (and take food out if needed)
3. Go through the portal
4. Teleport to Wintertodt using Games Necklase
That would be so much better in my opinion.
Hi man, looking for a trial before I buy if possible.
Request Template:
- Script name: Khal Wintertodt
- trial length: ~ 24 hours
- Reason for trial: Thinking of buying, just want to try before I buy.
- Are you going to give feedback on the script? Definitely!