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  1. bump. most legit guy ive met on this site so far. highly recommend for all services.
  2. ive been trying to contact you about those accounts i ordered a few weeks ago over skype, but you have not been responding to me, if you could get back to me soon that would be great.
  3. What service would you like? powerleveling Are you going first or will a MM be used? i will go first Do you agree with the ToS? yes What is your skype? therealchwy14 Will you leave feedback once the service is complete? of course
  4. whats the ban rate of this bot? and whats the safest way to run it on my main?
  5. legacy has confirmed with me that he will be making my order of the accounts, and if anything happens with that i will keep you updated.
  6. Can you do Firecapes/Void/Quests? (not required): (maybe firecape) void and quests yes. How long are you online on weekdays/weekends?: weekdays - 4-6 hours, weekends - 12-20 hours What is your Time Zone: Asian/Tokyo Do you have a 10M 07 Gp Deposit: yes What kind of things can you do for our services (Powerlevelling legit, Questing, Torsos, etc)?: powerleveling legit, questing, torso, full void Have you added my Skype? : not yet Why would you like to work for my services? (not required, but its nice to know) : im desperate for money and looking for something to do on the side, i must let you know though i currently serve in the military and may have to drop things to perform my duties, i will give you advanced notice if something does happen. Do you agree to the TOS?: yes
  7. me and legacy are coming to an agreement, he will train me 4 accounts, and next time i make an order with him i get 25% off the entire order. im giving him 24 hours to see if he can some how contact captain to be 100% sure he did scamquit, if that is the case he will make me the 4 accounts with the 25% off next order. i will keep this thread updated.
  8. Disputed member: Captain America Thread Link:http://osbot.org/forum/topic/75577-70-feedbackvip700khr-creating-blast-furnace-ready-accounts/page-6#entry856486 Explanation: After posting in the forums requesting a few accounts to be made captain america added me on skype and we began to talk. after discussing what i wanted and prices and such (10 basic BF acc's 2 MTA acc's with 75 mage 60 hp) i paid him a total of 34.5m the first time we discussed my accounts. a few days pass and i get an update from the account and i then decide i want to upgrade them from lvl 30 smith bf acc's to level 60 smith with coal bags, which cost me 35m for all 10 accounts to be upgraded. then a few days after that he tells me bf accounts have such a high ban rate the profit is not worth it and i should upgrade those accounts to MTA accounts, which i paid another 25m in total for. in total i spent 79.5m OSRS gold for 12 MTA accounts, 10 with 68 mage and 25-30 hp and 2 with 75 mage with 60 hp. after my final payment he stopped communicating with me from skype, and the owner and a few of his workers tell me they think he has scam quit. here is all the evidence i have of these transactions. the owner has told me he has not recieved my payment, or an order for my accounts as well. Evidence: Skype Conversation http://gyazo.com/736997f92fa1a7a49398c796a0300d1f http://gyazo.com/e8d4b27206430ded1a2c1d0298d80097 http://gyazo.com/d24588129bceb2d9f449bf6fd520d92d http://gyazo.com/d3d79a7e3e8e6156345743617a0a1e73 http://gyazo.com/33455f2720632f825925ee95682cc17e http://gyazo.com/b15098826385bd7110b49f4ba83af62b http://gyazo.com/bafdec75e8c00acb509732f3c99eb019 http://gyazo.com/a76e16c85f80eca76589e056c8802fbf http://gyazo.com/e2c1960d8aceead4b0ca3cc22129c1fb http://gyazo.com/4f6279273d7f888d4ef712db0aeae485 http://gyazo.com/74f809713ded924b7aebba8fb9ecbdc9 http://gyazo.com/8d18c9ea9f131ca3244dcfe83e3f0fea http://gyazo.com/e860d1facb0146d37b7cbfc20423011b http://gyazo.com/0a344d4d483ee7f7f3b9ad8c07db0b97 http://gyazo.com/eaffcab9b69c774d990c5b9ad77d8dcd http://gyazo.com/2181bb1216650070565fadd2d47de83f http://gyazo.com/4119143a9eadfa9a8bbf4ad8b710ce9f http://gyazo.com/b5d36a4ed60e86695b27fb49453dd3a5 http://gyazo.com/58089bd2f90663bc6dc8ee19f9a1dd09 http://gyazo.com/bb63d90e9b570b477e325acff521408c [removed evidence with logins]
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