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  1. Change IP just to be safe. They will chain ban you at first given chance.
  2. Ye I thought this. If not then I dunno
  3. weak

    New signature

    Simplicity is the best.
  4. What's that smell? Lol jk what's up man.
  5. Hey man welcome to the forums. Glad to have you. Server looks interesting, will check it out when I get on my laptop.
  6. Oh alright. Just gave it a quick look through and it looks pretty sweet man. Nothing off the top of my head missing.
  7. weak

    Rs Decision

    I've heard people are losing money doing this but if you can manage this would be a great time to set up a farm. Gold prices are up and there's 2 week trial for new accounts so you will be able to train 2 weeks free with no risk.
  8. Is this for a service or your account? Pures find cw armour helpful.
  9. Castle war armour, Agility armour
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