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Sensational last won the day on May 21 2013

Sensational had the most liked content!

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    United States

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Update for "Development console" I have redone my paint tactics and this is for use in-game, viable with/without input disabled and works similar to that of original.
  2. Hey guys, I will make this thread better after a bit, here are some images of what I have done so far.
  3. It's saying to make sure my boot options are valid, yet im not using any just the basic run.bat for launching.
  4. If you see this message say hi pls. :)

  5. Sensational


    Wondering how I do not have veteran rank?
  6. Add my Skype: Jacob.Rhiel Will not go first unless MM or very trusted.
  7. If you see this message say hi pls. :)

  8. Kha'Zix is one of the better champions for jungling and team fighting.. logic = none.
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