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  1. VPN is definitely something I would not recommend. Just the wording of it includes "network" so you have to assume it's shared between many users. I tried using a VPN once and my account was locked within an hour under the guise of account security. I've never used a VPS. I have used a private proxy and felt secure because no other users had access to it. It was kind of like a home IP.
  2. I sure hope Mod Weath feels satisfied after banning a large quantity of bots. It's safe to assume that he bans the obvious/suicide bots first, and each day brings a new wave of them from hungry gold farmers. Personally, I just bot my main, so I'm a bit more stealthy and I appreciate the bot shields. Keep up the good work.
  3. Just dropping a quick progress report without pics since I keep forgetting. When everything is working (not like right now, when mirror is down) I turn on the bot at my fly fishing location and 10+ hours later I come back with gains somewhere in the 300k-400k range. It's truly a great script. Thanks.
  4. The food was jug of wine
  5. I switched to using a more mainstream food because I think that the previous food was not supported. The bot would try to go back to bank despite having a full invent left. Either way, the bot works well now as long as I am in combat at the moment I press start. At the moment, if I try to start the bot while I am not in combat, it will try to bank. That problem seems specific to me, but I don't think it's important enough to fix because I can already get around it pretty easily. The bot can pick up arrows, but I forgot to leave an empty inventory space, and I came back to see that I had attempted to pick up arrows and failed multiple times, enough to fill up my chatbox at least.
  6. I'm getting a couple of weird errors. I'm using ranged, but the bot thinks that I'm training strength because the paint lists my strength level instead of my ranged level. Also, I was not able to get the script to actually attack anything. When I start. the console just repeats the same thing over and over: clicking map to (coords) should walk to (coords) I always hook mirror mode while logged out, and I also detect my inventory. The settings I tried to use vary, but I've tried starting with nothing enabled, one thing enabled and so on, but I get the same result.
  7. The dropper will examine fish from time to time, and I noticed that fish in the bottom row are examined more often, probably due to the way that the drop menu gets kind of squished near the bottom.
  8. Nice, I've been waiting for this update, now give me 99 or give me ban
  9. Fly fishing, dropping AFK mode enabled - the location doesn't seem to affect this particular bug. When dropping, the bot occasionally gets stuck by left clicking a fish that the bot intended to right click. I timed it once, and the bot appeared to be stuck for about 20 seconds, but on another session, I think that the bot was stuck for much longer than that based on the exp/hour being much lower than expected. At a different point in time, the bot managed to get stuck on the quest page once and it never recovered. Well, I'm starting to think this might be a problem on my end because I hardly see anyone else complaining about it. If its brightness settings, I think I have them done correctly, so I'm not sure what else it could be. The client doesn't appear to accept any input once it is running, so I doubt I could've clicked something by accident. Either way, the bot does get stuck for me, albeit for a short period of time, though that kind of behavior would probably be a red flag on the detection systems :c On a positive note, I managed to not get banned within the first few hours of using the bot, so I think some of the people mentioning something like that on this thread are just underthinking things a bit. Here, I was loathe to even use the same paypal as I did for a previous, banned account.
  10. From my own experience, I wouldn't recommended powerfishing at barbarian village due to (probable) increased ban rates there, although this is just a guess. There are other spots like north of seers village, southwest area in gnome stronghold, north of ardougne or west of fishing guild (where you can sell your fish to Rasolo.)
  11. It's past 3am, the time when the natural world is mostly dark and silent, though my computer hums dully under my desk. There is a moment where one might think about how Botwatch is no more than an automated process, and yet it makes powerful decisions each day, stripping account owners of their virtual possessions, calmly and surely. The sheer gravity of the loss of a Runescape account is great enough for Jagex to stay on the side of nothing less than absolute certainty in their banning process. Indeed, false bans are a thing of the past, and the appeal process has been mitigated down to nothing, but Jagex has shown that they have reason to be confident. To put the current situation into an analogy, it is reasonable to assume that Botwatch will issue a ban to an account that is so guaranteed to be botting that it's as if a JMod is watching that account directly in person as the macro runs. I truly believe that Botwatch is a system that simulates a JMod watching each and every account in the game. Don't look out your window, because a JMod may just be standing out there; he may not know that you're botting, but sooner or later, he will enter the house, all senses ready to detect. How could this be? It is actually logically sound. If Jagex does not false ban, then they have 100% confidence in their system and will only ban accounts that are guaranteed to be botting. To put that into perspective with a term I'd call "suspection level", for lack of a better one, I have no doubt in my mind that many botters here who think that they've gone pretty much undetected are... far from correct. In the mind of a JMod, or should I say, the detective, "When I look at this account here, there is really no doubt in my mind that this person has been botting. However, due to the nature of a Runescape account, we really cannot risk a mistake. We need just a bit more proof to be beyond reasonable doubt." Actually, it all reminds me of the immune system. Some botters rightfully claim that a moderate ban will increase chances of a permanant ban, but I will take that a step further. Botwatch must be an adaptive system. Moderate bans represent the initial reaction to an unknown threat; moderate bans represent the mindset of the JMod whose mind contents I revealed earlier. The JMod is probably 99% sure of botting, and they can afford that 1% leniency. However, it does not end with the two day ban, for every last detail of that botter is added to the system, preparing for further, more violent reactions in the future. Botwatch can recognize its own weaknesses and repair them. Botters that could freely macro in certain areas or under certain conditions are targeted easily the next time around. That is to say that JMods that ban in person are simply trying to cover for Botwatch's temporary weaknesses, then Botwatch is updated yet again. This is not the only problematic feature of Botwatch. I like to think of the human mind when I think of the sheer efficiency of Botwatch. Human reaction time is vastly improved during tasks with repetition. Just like the nightmare inducing artificial intelligence that we see in movies, Botwatch is able to recognize bots based on past data and easily do away with them. Bots are a disease that threaten to infect the game of Runescape, while Botwatch is the immune system. In order to survive, bots must evolve further. This is natural selection on a virtual level, and I truly enjoy watching the strongest, luckiest, and most opportune bots survive while the others perish. There is but one shining light in the dark days of botting, however. Jagex has to play by the rules. To ban anyone on Runescape, Jagex needs 100% certainty or it will not happen, period. There is some sort of small consolation that if you can stay at a 99% suspection level or below, you can make it. At the same time, when you toe the line, one mistake can be fatal.
  12. I'm really counting on this script to get me to at least 90 fishing, even though my last two botting excursions ended in failure within a few days. I've learned from my mistakes, but I haven't been able to start a completely fresh account and use just this script to give me a full picture. In other words, I want to give OSBot another chance, and I mean that while I did get banned while using this script, my run, as I'd call it, was marred with errors that simply cost me too much. Due to flagged IPs and delayed bans, I can't even say that it was the fault of this fishing script at all. In fact, I'm motivated to start over just to try to prove that I can actually bot using this script. Still, I recall that when powerfishing at barb village, the bot would drop fish going from side to side, which bothered me because players will drop up and down pretty much every single time. Is this even intended?
  13. Round 2: Proxifier with VPS (configured for runescape) Every action pertaining to my account was handled using the VPS. I had already cleared out all runescape files that I could find. Playing it legit for maybe a couple of days, or a week, but I don't know how long I can hold back. I'll probably use the same script, mirror mode. Let's see how far I can go.
  14. Backstory: (OSRS) I had two accounts that I created roughly 8 years ago. I botted one to 99 fishing in 2013, then i botted it again with a different bot earlier this year; it got banned after a couple days. I originally got a 2 day, but then two days later I got permed (even after I stopped botting... must have been a delayed ban.) The second botting session was done on my home IP. Five months later (now) I decided to get 99 fishing again, so I when to go barbarian fishing. I took up the second account and initially used the same bot that got me banned last time, but after two days I switched to OSBot. It's possible that I had already incurred a delayed ban in that time frame because of the link between my two accounts/lack of a proxy. Well, after using that first script, I got a proxy from PIA, and then I used Perfect Fisher for about 4 days, probably a total of 30 hours or so, using mirror mode. From what I read yesterday, I can only assume that my proxy was basically not set up correctly and that the connection to OSRS was not going through the proxy. When I would bot, I usually ran the bot for 1-2 hours each time, with close to half hour breaks or more, at reasonable times of the day. The session right before I got banned, I ran the bot for 4 hours straight. The ban date says 6/25/15. I check the hiscores before logging in each day, and my account was not on the hiscores, so it was already banned before logging in. I last logged off about 4am EST. The ban was done by the system. My question is that if you were to look at all of this information, which piece of information seems like it contributed most to my account getting banned? No use/incorrect use of proxy (resulting in use of "flagged" home IP) Use of 'other bot' for 2 days (it was TB) (exactly 10 hours used) Use of Perfect Fisher Botting for too long each day Botting at barb Other reason I'd like to bot again, only not get banned after less than a few days, so any feedback would be very appreciated.
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