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Posts posted by risky

  1. user won't use skype and i believe his osbot acc has been compromised , typically baller isn't online at these times of day and won't send me a message on skype , was just talking to him hours before and he said he was going to sleep.

    • Like 6
  2. I'm not gonna go any further with this trivial argument.


    I just find it insulting that you guys locked my thread specifically when there were plenty others out there who did the same thing, you could have just sent me a PM.


    You make it sound like I can actually edit a locked thread.


    If you want me to change my terms of service, what do you want me to change about it? Do you want me to make an order form asking whether they have added my skype or not? Or is something actually wrong with my ToS?


    if you weren't being such a baby about the whole thing you could have just pmed the staff member who locked it asking why they did it


    asuna locked mine because i changed the layout so i pmed him and he replied almost instant giving me a "verbal warning" to just report the thread to make sure the t.o.s. of the new layout remained the same as the old one. but instead you just blew it out of proportion for no reason



    • Like 1
  3. Thank you for the fast post!


    I did bot combat/fishing and cooking

    I start from stratch, so level 3 and yes the first day when i started! guess thats not the way ?

    I read on the forum that many ppl used this? but its not good ?smile.png


    its a free vpn that god knows how many people are using / botting on

  4. im saying everyone always complains that i have no feedback so they cant trust me how can i ever get feedback if they never trust


    im trying to ask how i can get good feedback since no one will trust me since i have no feedback


    post on request threads , maybe get an avatar , say a middleman can hold the money until the service is done etc etc


    try doing something on your own before posting asking for help

    • Like 1
  5. tbh this thread won't help your cause , you want to get feedback to get "trusted" just so you can sell your account. still doesn't prevent you from recovering no matter how many feedback you have.

  6. Why not ask your worker to handle some of the load since you said you have work + changing jobs?



    The thing is the whole service was being botted so either the worker would have to start the script once in awhile ( didn't happen because i don't have 500 tickets already ) and/or the worker story we can chalk it up to bullshit ( 99% the case since the service thread doesn't mention any worker which I'm pretty sure it has to include if you have any, correct me if i'm wrong)

  7. I had no control over what happened. The worlds were down and I was at work, I've offered to take the bond off the price to waste your time.




    If we're being petty about times, though. Here's you saying you didn't care, Yet now you're complaining? Ok.


    Yes i'm aware I said "idm how long it takes for them" because you claimed to have it done by the end of the weekend with or without a worker so at least include the context. 


    After the weekend I told you the worlds worked on Monday, and Wednesday and this Thursday there was a period of 24-36 hours where the remainder tickets could have been attained. I know when the worlds crashed because I was in the CC


    The time I started to care about the times is after you wasted my time and give deadlines that weren't fulfilled and now I have to wait another week before anything can be done to my account

  8. 18f0a99722339c940fd4cb5be09748b5.png8b20ccd9ce649c2f834ff08ff8c901f7.png04f260c84266143ada30092efb310990.png9d65eee717aac846d6f6a5205cf69f68.pnge8d1b7d257974a430619d37c510e8662.png


    those are the logs from my laptop which has them since the start


    also I'm sure he will make the claim i said "idc i just want it done" but he has IDK and IDC consfused, because I said , "idk i want it done because he was taking so long at this point.


    as seen here : 


  9. I already told you that I don't have a problem paying for the service but when you give multiple ETA's on when itll be finished and the fact your botting the service ( shouldnt matter when you got to work since your BOTTING IT ) it should have been done already. I posted on skype 2 times that worlds were working and you didnt do much if anything ( got maybe 4 or 6 tickets )


    another point is this thursday after runescape update I managed to get a halo ( 300 tickets ) afking in the same clan chat , and this was by hand , so assuming you are actually botting it , this order should have been completed already ( regardless if you get 20 ticks/ hour cause your script only handles 4 worlds )


    spoiler contains chat logs that he coincidentally left out :




    i can log into my laptop and load skype messages from earlier when we agreed on price and the service was going to be botted in neccessary

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