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  1. mirror mode was it restarted both clients and its working good now! thanks dude. great script.
  2. anyone been having issues with start up at draynor? im using an addy axe in inventory cause i dont have the attack lvl for it. and it just sits there at the trees and does nothing. am i missing a step?
  3. I'm having the same issue on my laptop but on my virtual machine it works fine... would like to run it on my laptop as it is a little laggy on my vm. any thoughts guys? I've done all the trouble shooting
  4. Yeah bro I'm sorry wasnt meaning to come across bitching or frustrated. Just bummed I got banned so fast and I know its not an issue with your script or with osbot but that jagex is really crackin down. I wont be using this script anymore due to the fast i got a 15m cash stack, i know its not much but its mine , and i dont want to loose it. but great job in the script man!
  5. just got banned using Khal's runecrafter. nothing against the script just bummed i got banned. i guess i have to click for hours like normal people now :p
  6. yay got banned! not using this script again. also the nature rune abyss script needs work. multiple miss clicks on tentacles and sometimes it would just sit idle taking damage. not trying to bash the script the fire rune one runes great. just bummed the nature rune one got me banned
  7. can i buy this one? cant find the link haha also looks ererrererermaaazing! what item do you suggest for enchanting? want to break even on cost of cosmic runes and maybe make a lil
  8. its working now I starting using a fire tailsmen instead of the tiara and it worked right away...might be something to look into. but other than that its amazing! hope you spend my $$ well :p
  9. its been sitting here for 3 minutes now saying "walking to bank" and im at the bank at duel. does it only work with the mirror client?
  10. how long does it take to set up the script? I was sitting by the alter for like 3 minutes and it said going to alter as status. where should we start the script? I was running the fire runes one. both the advanced and basic.
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