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Everything posted by eestlane

  1. i stated my opinion about sponsor and my posts got removed + warned, kk then.
  2. tempted to unlock a topic to write down their opinion and then lock it again.
  3. i had one of that girl sucking my dick.
  4. idk brah, perhaps its because u watch 2 much anime.
  5. Thanks&Goodluck to yall ye true, it tensed things up a little.
  6. i dont know, maybe there is a way but it would cost u a hell lot of money, do you really want to do that. np
  7. and blow a shitload of cash on them, i tried doing armadyl with black chins, i dont feel like doing so again because they cost alot. thanks
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4luj9zLRv-Q
  9. well i have tons of pure p2p/f2p pk vids, but i dont know if ill be making any pk vids anytime soon, maybe if i get new computer which wont lag, then i might make some more.
  10. thanks and the only reason i was talking like that because i was fighting safers and people who didnt risk hp(cant quite remember the exact reason since it was a while ago)
  11. i find it better when each video has individual topic for it. i wouldnt really call it as a spam because its not some useless wall of text, but useful guides. if thats really bothersome, then moderators can grant your wish and put all links 1 topic. sorry ;(
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