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  1. Perm ban on an acc today running mirror mode and czar wc script.
  2. Ahh I restarted the client but it was probably because I hooked mirror mode while already logged in. Thanks so much, sorry for the bother!
  3. For some reason it won't cut maples at seers. I chose maple and seers maple option and it seems to understand because it'll go stand next to one but it won't chop it. It seems like it just sits there waiting for something. edit it keeps looping: tree.notree_noarea 1004 tree.no_found 1006
  4. I'm curious into what are good setting for botting? I understand it varies depending on what's being botted but what about woodcutting? at the moment i'm running: 120 15 20 10 are those okay settings or can they be adjusted to be more human-like ? Also how long would you guys recommend running a premium woodcutting script?
  5. Thank you! Is there any free proxy providers you'd recommend or would it just be better to buy them? If so, best place?
  6. Yeah the first few episodes are meh but they pick up, it's an awesome series.
  7. Would I be able to set up a proxy for each account I bot on or is that not possible? Also, is there any guide for setting up a proxy ?
  8. I've been looking into botting and I've been researching the forums for a bit. It looks like mirror client along with a premium script would be the most ideal way to go. Would a vpn be necessary, or would it just help a lot more? Would this be all I need to start botting or am I missing anything else? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  9. I'm looking to learn how to bot efficiently and become active in this community. I've been doing a bit of research and it seems like mirror mode isn't a must but it does help a ton. Anyone have any advice on how to start out and what vpn's are great to use?
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