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Trade With Caution
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About Nightmares

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  1. ? what. I've sold dozens of accounts all in which none have been recovered. I did not recover this. This was like 4 months ago why would I choose now? Could be attempting to obtain a refund for acc value + the so claimed "70m" on the account. I can refund you the 30m if it comes down to it. (even though I doubt you even lost the account).
  2. l0000000000000000l cya kids
  3. Currently selling a halo acc for 20m via pm to "imagination"
  4. This user only bids to recieve the sellers skype then ignores. if he purchases an acc, do it through PM's
  5. please remove ur fake bid, this user is going around collecting people's skypes then ignoring them.
  6. I swear this entire osbot community is full of idiots. This is a maxed ags pure. I know all of your budgets are extremely low and want to manipulate someone price checking so you have actual hope or owning a decent account for once. But how about you spread cancer elsewhere, this account is easily 80m+
  7. lmfao 375m 07.??? pls be joking. 100m 07 max. he charging more than chinese for accs my god. also yeah fcape is 50m for 1pray, dont listen to the idiots saying 175m....
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