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Adamantite Poster

Adamantite Poster (7/10)




Community Answers

  1. Miss your law baloon script. We need more runecrafting scripts :D Your script was awesome! got me to 88 rc.

  2. I would love to have a nice read. Would be great if you could recommend some range training tips and tricks while at it ;)
  3. I play all legit, I'll shoot you a PM right now.
  4. Sorry I don't understand why you don't just ignore them? Randoms just disappear after a while and don't kill you or anything like that anymore. I play legit and I always just ignore them.
  5. I runecraft quite a bit so here are some GP/Hr you can expect if you're using stamina potions, weigh reduction gear, and play legit: 44 - 50: 350k/hr 50 - 75: 450k/hr 75 - 91: 600k/hr 91 - 99: 1.2m/hr Note: I have 99 runecraft and while runecrafting I'm usually watching TV so your results may be different from mine :P
  6. closestObjectForName sounds like OSBot1 API. Make sure you read up on the latest/updated API.
  7. Unplug the router/modem for 10 seconds+
  8. Jagex ruthless, they deleted your account. Tweet @JagexSupport
  9. Try going into your router settings and find the MAC Address. Change one letter/number, save settings. Reset router and now you'll have a different IP address.
  10. Runecrafting is the best, you make 500m+ If you want to buy supplies, you could do cooking or fletching since you actually profit from both those.
  11. Please post this in the scam report section.
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