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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. still not updated? script is just standing around idling..
  2. is stealth injection providing the same amount of non detection as mirror client would?
  3. awesome, hell ya. when is the update supposed to happen? what causes it to have to wait/who chooses when/what to update anyways
  4. When are you adding the magic spot i suggested? its so much better than what the sorcerer's tower magic spot is right now, and a lot less noticable spot for botting. 4 trees right together too. please update soon as i really want to continue to 99 wc on magics. thank you :)h
  5. probably because of the dc's the servers have been experiencing
  6. Also, when chopping at grand exchange yews, script for some reason walks past G/E bank, and gets stuck at varrock entrance in a building, dont understand why.
  7. Can you add the other magics area in seers? the one with the 4 magics at the building
  8. .67 version works for me. script working perfectly now too
  9. banking seems to not be working. cuts inventory of logs, goes to bank (in this case grand exchange bank) and then walks back to try and cut more yews. ?? shit aint workin
  10. main acc i had for 7 years busted and banned on 07
  11. what exactly is old deposit style / afk mode? also, does script automatically pick up nests? and i was wondering if you are going to add seers yews to locations Thanks for all your effort to making sure script is running smoothly :-)
  12. should i be scared of getting banned using it for 5ish hours straight at night without mirror client
  13. Damn that's a pain, but awesome, thank you
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