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  1. Just renewed my VIP a few minutes ago, but my status does not seem to change. Any suggestion?
  2. I'm barely hitting the 140k/h with steel bars. What's up with that? And I'm making 639 bars/hour. Will this get better at higher levels? I'm currently only 30.
  3. Jack's free AIO, PitoAIOfighter and DNAIOFighter.
  4. I'm using 3 different scripts that have supposed AOI. Rather than spamming every topic, I'd figured I would ask it here, since it's a rather global problem concerning the client it appears.
  5. EDIT EDIT: It worked for a while, but now it's not. Even after deleting everything again. It's just standing there doing nothing. Panning the camera a bit. Anyone able to help me?
  6. Are there any working AIO combat scripts around these days? Because nothing seems to work in mirror mode and I'm not gonna risk not using mirror mode. Every single script just stands there. It was working fine for some scripts earlier today! What in the name of Puff the magic dragon changed? Trying to kill some yaks. EDIT: Fixed the problem myself after some tinkering. No clue what was going on, but I decided to delete everything and start fresh. Make sure to delete the OSbot folder in your C:\Users\*yourname* folder!
  7. Been an avid botter in RS3, but quit after a while. Friend got me back playing old skool rs and I'm hooked! Naturally, I start browsing around and checking if there's a bot somewhere to make my life a bit easier. Finally found you guys and you look like you have a nice community here. Very impressed with mirror mode. Currently botting ranged, going to get some cooking levels next and we'll see what the future brings. Stay safe and get those levels, guys!
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